Closed sshen82 closed 4 years ago
When I use github, it just doesn't install other packages.
conda create --name hicexplorer3.4.3 hicexplorer=3.4.3 -c bioconda -c conda-forge
conda activate hicexplorer3.4.3
For some reasons I do not understand the default is still set to version 2.2 and you need to specify the version number.
Ok, this question is solved, but when I type "hicConvertFormat -m matrix.hic --inputFormat hic --outputFormat homer -o matrix.homer" in shell, it doesn't show any error, but also doesn't show the output.
As written in our documentation, the conversion from hic is only possible to cool. However, from cool you can convert to homer.
Hi, I am trying to install HiCExplorer 3.4.3 using conda, but failed. It installed 2.2 when I use "conda list" to see the packages.
hicexplorer 2.2 py36_0 bioconda
Also, it didn't install hic2cool, fit_nbinom automatically.
The procedure I did was first use "conda create -n myenv python=3.6", then after activating this virtual environment, I use "conda install hicexplorer -c bioconda -c conda-forge". Is there anything wrong with that?