deeptools / HiCExplorer

HiCExplorer is a powerful and easy to use set of tools to process, normalize and visualize Hi-C data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to filter the results from `hicDifferentialTAD` based in p-value and W values? #772

Open Linhua-Sun opened 2 years ago

Linhua-Sun commented 2 years ago

Hi: I found hicDifferentialTAD is quite useful to get differential interactions domains from two matrix. However, I am wondering how to filter the results. The default outputted table is quite confuse. Since there are 5493 rejected TADs and 292 accepted TADs. Such a result is obviously unrealistic based on visual inspection. I have downsampled two cooler into similar valid pairs and further KR normalized. My command line is hicDifferentialTAD --targetMatrix Mutants_Sub_1k_ToSmallKR.h5 --controlMatrix Control_Sub_1k_ToSmallKR.h5 --tadDomains MM_WT_Sub_1k_ToSmallKR_domains.bed --outFileNamePrefix KR_Small_Test. For example, if I focused on the type of intra-TAD. I ploted the distribution of p-value and W values. I'm not sure how to filter the table based on p-value and W. Or is there a problem in the process?

image I used HiCExplorer version 3.7.2 with python 3.7.12.

Thanks for your time!

joachimwolff commented 2 years ago


