I am working with ChIP-seq data. I have two replicates per sample. I am creating a coverage file for each replicate using bamCoverage, merging the two resulting .bw files using bigWigMerge, sorting the file and then obtaining the final merged .bw file using bedGraphToBigWig. I would now like to subtract the input from the merged sample using bigwigCompare. I have been using the following code:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/bin/bigwigCompare", line 12, in
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/bigwigCompare.py", line 144, in main
foo = db.deepBlue(deepBlueFiles[0][0], url=args.deepBlueURL, userKey=args.userKey)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/deepBlue.py", line 138, in init
experimentID = self.getEID()
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/deepBlue.py", line 164, in getEID
(status, resps) = self.server.search(self.sample, "experiments", self.userKey)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1122, in call
return self.send(self.name, args)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1464, in request
response = self.transport.request(
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1166, in request
return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1196, in single_request
raise ProtocolError(
xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for deepblue.mpi-inf.mpg.de/xmlrpc: 502 Proxy Error>"
This implies your input files (b1, b2 or both) are not specified correctly. The deepblue support is dropped from 3.5.5 onwards (and thus the error would be more meaningful there).
Good morning,
I am working with ChIP-seq data. I have two replicates per sample. I am creating a coverage file for each replicate using bamCoverage, merging the two resulting .bw files using bigWigMerge, sorting the file and then obtaining the final merged .bw file using bedGraphToBigWig. I would now like to subtract the input from the merged sample using bigwigCompare. I have been using the following code:
bigwigCompare -b1 {merged.bw sample file} -b2 {input.bw file} --operation subtract -o {output.bw file} --numberOfProcessors max
However, I keep getting the following error:
"Traceback (most recent call last): File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/bin/bigwigCompare", line 12, in
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/bigwigCompare.py", line 144, in main
foo = db.deepBlue(deepBlueFiles[0][0], url=args.deepBlueURL, userKey=args.userKey)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/deepBlue.py", line 138, in init
experimentID = self.getEID()
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deeptools/deepBlue.py", line 164, in getEID
(status, resps) = self.server.search(self.sample, "experiments", self.userKey)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1122, in call
return self.send(self.name, args)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1464, in request
response = self.transport.request(
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1166, in request
return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
File "/services/tools/deeptools/3.5.2/lib/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1196, in single_request
raise ProtocolError(
xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for deepblue.mpi-inf.mpg.de/xmlrpc: 502 Proxy Error>"
(deeptools --version: deeptools 3.5.2; python --version: Python 3.10.11)
Any idea what could be causing this and how to fix it?
Thank you