deeptools / pyBigWig

A python extension for quick access to bigWig and bigBed files
MIT License
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Stats Sum Not Working as Expected #146

Closed atancoder closed 6 months ago

atancoder commented 6 months ago

I'm using the latest version of pyBigWig and the 'sum' stat doesn't seem to work properly. It returns different results than if i were to sum up the values myself.

>>> from pyBigWig import open as open_bigwig
>>> import pyBigWig
>>> pyBigWig.__version__
>>> f = '/oak/stanford/groups/engreitz/Users/atan5133/atac_to_dnase/input_data/DNase.bigwig'
>>> bw = open_bigwig(f)
>>> bw.stats('chr1', 3774743, 3775877, type='sum')
>>> sum(bw.values('chr1', 3774743, 3775877))
>>> bw.stats('chr1', 3774743, 3775877, type='max')
>>> max(bw.values('chr1', 3774743, 3775877))

max works as expected. Am I misunderstanding how sum is supposed to work here?

edit: perhaps it's due to ? But weird how the approximation is quite off