defaultnamehere / tinder-detective

Find your Facebook friends' Tinder profiles. Don't actually use this by the way that's weird. Not even in a good way.
MIT License
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{"status":200,"results":[]} #49

Closed Babazon closed 7 years ago

Babazon commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for the app

I got my access token from chrome dev tools, and my id from facebook dev tools using that access token. I'm making sure I edit the SECRETS.json before the token expires.

I looked at the html file you're injecting the python code, I'm looking at the python code (nice comments and variable names) but the page just returns me the object {"status":200,"results":[]} . So I'm authenticated, but none of my friends are using Tinder? Or I'm authenticated but Tinder found out something fishy about my GET request and isn't returning the friends array?

::::Here is how to get the access token and id for those who couldn't find them::::

Install python.

Run Chrome, and go here.

If you don't have tinder, it will ask you to authenticate , if you do, it will pop-up a modal asking you to click "OK". Right click and "Inspect". Go to "Network" and click "preserve log" box. As soon as you click "OK" , an object with "name" confirm?dpr=1 will appear at the bottom. Click that and on the left, click the "Response" tab. There is a loooong string. Copy paste all of it and put it in the notepad. Search it for "access" and you will see the access_token= , copy the characters until &.

Next go here:
And after the = paste your access token. You will get a page with { id: "" } That's your id inside the quotas. Create a "SECRETS.json" file within the app's directory and edit it as in EXAMPLE.json with the new token and id you got. Be quick.

Open cmd and go to the app directory. You must have python installed on your Windows. Firstly type pip install -r requirements.txt so that python installs the dependencies. Then type chcp 65001 and type enter again. Finally type and press enter. If you have set your python properly, app will run and ask you a y/n question. Type y , press enter.

On your Chrome browser, go to and the app should run in that page , showing you your facebook friends' profiles.