defeatedcrow / ShowcaseAddon2_1.7.10

ShowcaseAddon2 for MCEconomy2 (Minecraft 1.7.10)
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Custom shop #5

Closed Belgabor closed 8 years ago

Belgabor commented 8 years ago

Custom shop implementation. Explanation how it works is on the wiki of my fork (

For the included WAILA support this needs to be added to the respective sections in the build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
    maven {
        url ""


dependencies {
    compile "codechicken:CodeChickenLib:1.7.10-"
    compile "codechicken:CodeChickenCore:1.7.10-"
    compile "codechicken:NotEnoughItems:1.7.10-"

    compile "mcp.mobius.waila:Waila:1.5.10_1.7.10"
defeatedcrow commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much!

Soon, I'll make a small fix (showcase will have a direction for display), and update this mod :D