deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

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nerf sticky grenade #104

Open Haox09 opened 1 year ago

Haox09 commented 1 year ago

sticky grenade is low skill and easy to aim. Once one is stuck to one's head the wall strat is usable but unreliable. Also many dont like the idea of dying after the enemy is killed. Why not nerf sticky so that rubbing against wall/spinning makes it come off but still able to explode

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

I fail to see where you got the "easy to aim" factoid from. I would rather argue that it takes roughly as much effort and skill to aim as the rocket, but has worse range (which means it takes slightly more skill) and higher spammability (which means it takes less skill). Either way, i'd much rather die to a sticky grenade, than to LMG spam. The former is way more skillful.

I somewhat see your point about it being rather upsetting to die after you already dispatched the enemy who was threatening you. And the feeling of hopelessness when you have a sticky grenade stuck to you isn't exactly enjoyable, either.

Perhaps we could make it so that the sticky grenade can only explode if the player who stuck it is still alive? It doesn't really make sense in terms of realism, but it does solve so many issues about this grenade. It would also make it more engaging and offer unique gameplay: the person hit by the sticky now has a very big incentive to chase the person who threw it, and the latter now has a similarly large incentive to run away. That is undeniably very different from the usual "to kill someone you need to actively shoot at them" gameplay that this game offers.

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Mr. melee main is interested in my idea


deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

I'm against making it depend on spinning (people already spin like crazy, no need to encourage it) or on rubbing against walls (walls are rare and expensive in this economy). But, i was thinking about this, and i do in general like the idea of having some action that you can execute to detach the sticky from yourself; as long as that action has an opportunity cost.

As such, here's an alternative proposal:

You can detach the sticky by holding the interact key (the same one you use to enter cars) for 1 second. (The sticky fuse would need to be extended so that you're guaranteed to have that 1 second. Or, we could make it depend on how close the sticky is to detonation at the moment it glues to you.) However, while holding the key, you 1. cannot shoot and 2. move slower. Thus, an interesting dynamic emerges: if i try to detach a sticky you glued onto me, you can try and melee me (or use any other weapon); if i keep shooting you, i'm accepting defeat to the sticky, but in exchange for maybe killing you as well.

This does not interfere with cars (because entering them already detaches stickies) and with C4 detonation (because holding the key is not the same as double pressing it)

Profugus1 commented 1 year ago

Repair gun should be able to de-activate a sticky :)

Kinda a dumb suggestion, but I also feel like sticky grenades should only kill the thing it's attached to since the amount of times some dumb teammate has run into me with an enemy sticky grenade coming out of their head is infuriating.

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

I think stickies should keep the AOE. It's funny how stupid teammates can cause collateral damage by running into others with a sticky attached. Plus, removing the AOE would mean no threat to the sticky grenade user.

Giving the repair gun the ability to detach stickies is very interesting.