deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

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New weapon idea: The cannon that will integrate your face into the nearest wall #122

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago


(to start, copy stats from rocket launcher) Base damage = 30 Knockback = more than is reasonable. Launches the player hit 8 squares towards the direction the bullet was travelling If the player hits a wall, they take 30 more damage, thus dying (unless they get healed mid-flight by a Medkit, lmao) The wall piece they hit is also destroyed Deals half damage to cars and tanks. (Cars take 2 hits to kill, tanks take... 6?) Cars and tanks have collision damage built-in, and thus do not gain extra damage from being blasted into a wall. (Although maybe they should? In which case, make the weapon temporarily (~1 second) increase the collision damage for the vehicle it hit) As described thus far, this weapon is somewhat inferior to the rocket. Although it is novel, it would perhaps need to be balanced to be something most players would consider picking. I don't like balancing it (or any other weapon) via ammo (all weapons should have infinite ammo), so: EquipTime = Rocket.EquipTime 0.5 Weight = Rocket.Weight 0.3

If i get around to 3D modelling this thing, i'll post the render here.

ur face into the wall, yes haha.

Haox09 commented 1 year ago

omg first defered post since

NOTGregory commented 1 year ago

Best concept. Also what's the reload rate and carried ammo?

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Reload rate would be roughly the same as the normal Rocket. Carried ammo... idk, 4? I'm not a huge ammo fan, as you know. If i was in charge, all guns would have infinite ammo.

Haox09 commented 1 year ago

infinite ammo=infinite bulletspam?

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

infinite ammo=infinite bulletspam?

As opposed to now? Most bulletspam guns are incredibly ammo efficient as is.

And having ammo does barely anything to solving the actual problem. If you design your guns to be inaccurate, have low damage per bullet and high firerate, people will spam them. Ammo or not. People spam the Vector, even though it's hilariously ammo inefficient. It's just the way the gun is supposed to be used.

Profugus1 commented 1 year ago

Me when discord: