deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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Reverse falloff sniper gun #209

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Surprised to find out we aren't tracking such an idea here.

Let's discuss. What would such a gun be? Obviously the damage should increase as the bullet travels, but what should be the overall feel of the weapon? Should it be capable of instakilling or no? Should the bullets be slow as hell or sniper-fast?

NOTGregory commented 1 year ago

I was thinking it should be a 3 shot kill close range with the damage increasing until it becomes a 2 shot while maintaining a bullet velocity that's about the same as the light and heavy snipers. Either that, or it should be a 2 shot that becomes a 1 shot kill at a certain range, while the bullet velocity is initially around the same as that of LS and HS but then decreases to like 90 or something.

If its capable of instakilling I think the bullet should change appearance in some way so that the player knows if its going to deal more damage.