deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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New weapon: Reflux #223

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Copy from Flintlock weapon slot: primary base damage: 5

Special on hit: Consume up to 60 damage from the magazine of the victim's equipped weapon. So if they are carrying a HeavySniper, that's only 2 shots, but if they are carrying a P50, that's like 8 shots or whatever. These shots are immediately removed from the magazine. Now deal 3 damage for every shot consumed.

Powerful weapon built primarily for countering bulletspam. Terrible against melee players and other no-gun-in-hand weirdos. Deals little damage against snipers, although increases the amount of reloading the sniper user has to do, which can get quite annoying.

ghost commented 11 months ago
