deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

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Nerf shuriken. #227

Open NOTGregory opened 9 months ago

NOTGregory commented 9 months ago

Surprised this isn't on here already. There's no reason for the shuriken to be yet another 2 shot secondary since not only does that make the weapon superior to flintlock in pretty much every single aspect, the slowdown also renders you dead in the water. If you get hit by (or accidentally run into) a shuriken ONCE, it's already over for you since the second shuriken is almost surely going to hit you. Even if by some miracle you fight off your assailant and survive, some other player could just come and finish you before you can get to cover, and you can forget about dodging.

There's no counter to this. The only way to survive getting hit by a shuriken is for you to be far away from any enemies (so it'd have to be a stray most likely), or to hope that your enemies are stupid. In other words, luck.

Needless to say, slowdown is an incredibly powerful mechanic, so the shuriken should be balanced out by making the damage very low (1-5).

Additionally, shurikens should stop dealing damage or slowing players down once they get below a certain velocity, because running into a random one that's just spinning on the ground is quite annoying. Someone could also spam a bunch of shurikens effectively creating a minefield which makes it impossible to dodge.

There's also the issue of another player coming to finish you off after you've been slowed down, and that could be solved by instantly removing the shuriken's slowdown effect when the player who threw it dies. That way you would have a fighting chance by still being able to make use of your movement speed when someone threatens to third party you.

These nerfs won't make shuriken useless. If a player is skilled enough they can still kill people by hitting them with a shuriken and switching to another weapon (or vice versa with pump), and it'll interrupt regen. Shuriken just becomes much more of a utility weapon than one that's meant to rack up kills.