deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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New weapon: Reload o'Clock #238

Open deferred-impact opened 8 months ago

deferred-impact commented 8 months ago

It's time, my fine gentlemen, to reload our weapons. Yes, i insist.

copy from SMG. yeah this one definitely needs to be an SMG... reload time 2s or more balance to taste

When this weapon is reloaded, it projects a psychic wave that instructs all conscious beings in the area to immediately! eject the thing. People who are not holding an eject-capable item, and animals who are incapable of comprehending the concept of ejection, simply get really confused. However, people carrying around a firearm, or even a CD drive, suddenly suffer from an irresistible urge to command their item to eject. This has the nice benefit of leveling the playing field and protecting the user of this weapon from harm while they are busy reloading. Sadly, the radiated wave quickly loses potency as it travels, so the effect is only observed in close proximity.

In gameplay terms, if you reload this weapon, all enemies near you are immediately forced to reload. Their magazine is emptied, (with the ammo refunded to spare), and they automatically begin reloading. As stated above, this ensures you are not in danger while reloading yourself.

This could be a perk, but if combined with a short reload weapon, it could be a massive headache. It's probably best to keep it as a unique weapon.

ghost commented 8 months ago

Would this work on teammates as well? Would be quite a troll if it did, could screw them over in battle. And how does the range work? Would it affect any person within the range of the player using the special weapon?

deferred-impact commented 8 months ago

Why would it work on teammates.

"How does range work" is a weird question. It's a circle around you. Line of sight if you prefer.

ghost commented 8 months ago

Would it affect anyone visible to you on your screen? Or a specific range for how it works? And how would you counter this? I would assume there would be some way to protect against, like cover for instance.

deferred-impact commented 8 months ago

A small range around you, slightly larger than the grenade

To counter it, just don't enter close range combat, lmao. Or use a weapon that reloads quickly, or doesn't have to reload at all (melee is a wonderful option)

ghost commented 8 months ago
