deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

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New weapon: Pressurized Repeater #251

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Steampunk shotgun? What..?

copy from Pump balance to taste reload whole magazine

The "deeper" into the magazine you are, the lower the firerate and bulletspeed - the gun "loses steam" as such. More specifically, the next bullet will have 10% longer firerate and 5% less bullet speed than the current.

Of course - you think - i'll just reload the gun after every shot! Sure, but the reload takes more time the more bullets are left in the magazine! An unused magazine can take about 5 seconds to reload. An empty magazine takes under 1 second.

It's an interesting juxtaposition of "i need to reload to keep this weapon powered" and "if i reload early, it will take ages". How deep are you willing to dig through the magazine?