deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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Bomb defusing gamemode inspired by Howie #262

Open Haox09 opened 8 months ago

Haox09 commented 8 months ago

When a match starts, both team will have a explosive which they can pick up at their spawn. Then they need to bring the bomb to a location which is different to where the enemy team need to bring their's. Both area shows up on the map, but not the bomb holders. Once arrived at the location, press E to deploy bomb. You need to defuse the bomb that the enemy team put at the other location, and at the same time defending the bomb you placed. After 1 min(?) of the bomb being in the location area of detonation, the bomb will explode, dealing damage to enemy in range and give 25 points to the team that placed it. Bomb defusing will take 10 seconds of pressing E on the bomb. After defused the bomb will return to enemy team spawn(or where the ctf flag normally is).

ghost commented 8 months ago

Capture the flag, but with a delay timer. we can substitute the bomb for being a flag, that still deals damage. I don't think you should place e for placing a bomb, it should be automatic as soon as you enter the zone.

It would be more interesting, if you added a condition to the gamemode: Teammates may not enter their own own capture zone, excluding the bomb/flag holder. This will give enemies a better chance to enter the zone somewhat safely, and have a chance to defuse the bomb.

deferred-impact commented 8 months ago

Howie is really not a name i want to hear ever, lmao

Yoy is right, this is literally CTF but worse. I don't see any reason to add this.

Bomb defusal gamemodes in general seem to require permadeath (i.e. no player respawning) to work properly, and that is just the ultimate suck. Who tf wants to sit there for 3 minutes spectating some noob

ghost commented 7 months ago

Howie is really not a name i want to hear ever, lmao

I wonder why.