deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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3-X Particle Disruptor #270

Open Haox09 opened 7 months ago

Haox09 commented 7 months ago

1 ammunition per mag, need 2 second reload after every shot. The shots are laser like, can pierce any amount of people. The range of when the shot still debatable, maybe 20 tiles before it disappears. This gun must be very accurate so to be consistant. Damage 30. We can make this more different so it differs from pierce sniper.

deferred-impact commented 7 months ago

Lasers. I'm not against them, but they need to be implemented very, very carefully, else they will get abused to hell and back by aimbotters.

I'm assuming, of course, that a laser instantly connects the weapon with the target, dealing damage within a single frame and having no "projectile" to speak of. If so, it will be abused.

The fix is quite obvious. One might say you should defer your impact, even. When the laser is about to fire, lock the aiming (so the user cannot adjust their aim) and wait for a short time. Then, actually fire the laser. (This is how blocktanks does it, by the way - one of the few things they actually got right!) This has the added benefit of making the weapon very distinct. It is a bit frustrating to deal with, however, i will admit.

Potentially there are other ways to implement an aimbot mitigation, though i don't really see anything obvious.