Open deferred-impact opened 2 years ago
Personally i prefer the idea of making sprinter only apply when not firing. It's a rather elegant solution that doesn't completely eliminate sprUP (it's still a useful combo), but hopefully nerfs it to be tolerable.
Additionally, numerical nerfs oftentimes are stuck inbetween “it's still OP” and “it's now so shit nobody will use it”. I'm not sure which one 10-15% fits into, but ultimately it's subjective. One player will argue it's not a meaningful nerf, whilst the other will say it's now a useless perk.
But yes, we do need to do something about sprUP. The poll i ran in #suggestions was 11-3 in favor of fixing sprUP
Yours Truly said:
how about "make it so that you can't pick under pressure AND sprinter as the combination? I don't believe any nerf to any perk is required
Well, i don't hate that idea, but it is weird, right? And potentially quite confusing. You're also gonna have tons of nubs joining discord to complain “why can't i pick these 2 perks?!!!!?!11”
It's like, if this wasn't the only combo that was disallowed, i wouldn't mind this solution, but when it's this only ultra special case, it's a bit weird
But again, as long as sprUP is addressed, i really don't care specifically how
Yours Truly said:
if they would read enough to know what under pressure does, they can read enough to know that THAT combination isn't allowed anymore
They'll still be pissed about a “forbidden combo” more than they will be about a sprinter nerf, i think
Yours Truly said:
not everyone has 30ms ping and not everyone loves people teleporting on their screen
A nerf was implemented, but perhaps not what we hoped for. Either way we need to wait a couple of weeks to see if it was a worthwhile effort
nerfed to 20%, move to dev said yes?
I would rather reserve that tag to suggestions that aren't yet implemented, so that it remains a valuable piece of info telling us "hey, this thing isn't yet in the game, but the dev is planning to add it"
tronald dump said: