deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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Stop adding invulnerability crap to the game #76

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

I only now realized that the last two seasons both introduced items which simply erase damage. Was the medkit not enough?

Season 7? The soccer ball trophy. Blocks all rockets in an area, making rockets completely useless.

Season 8? The Shield. Wowie i sure love not being able to deal damage to a player. Yea it (finally) has limited HP, but it's still a lot to get through.

What's next? Season 9 and you add insta-heal syringes? Press a single button and go back to full HP immediately?

Stop this crap. It ruins the game. Any defensive item will inherently slow down the pace of the game, and items which counter incoming damage directly are probably the most notorious in terms of halting the pace. These items are also arguably quite low skill, (just like the Medkit :joy:), which helps amplify the everpresent skill issue among us.

NOTGregory commented 1 year ago

Its spelled amoug us how many times do I have to correct you. Good points though I would much rather see offensive items be added than defensive ones, the latter are just annoying to deal with.

JacKDot2 commented 1 year ago

When the medigun When the heal (holy fuck it uberchrages) in seasons 9 !!!11111

Your5Truly commented 1 year ago

just make shield reload disable shield's blocking, one final simple fix to shield :D

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

just make shield reload disable shield's blocking, one final simple fix to shield :D

We are tracking that, yes. #58