deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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New wacky bulletspam DMR idea - IWoK BBD UF-2 "SPLCST" DMR #95

Open deferred-impact opened 1 year ago

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago


IWoK's BasedBulletspamDivision presents a stupidly heavy and unwieldy rifle that you'll still want to buy,

UF-2 "SPLCST" DMR base stats 250ms firerate 15 dmg per shot 100 bspeed 0 damage falloff (microfusion charge ammunition) 0.7 accuracy 3 shots per burst 500ms delay between bursts 24 bullets in mag (8 bursts) 2s reload time

unique Every shot fired builds up charge SPLCST charge. Upon reaching specific thresholds (which conveniently align with bursts), you can release the trigger, which informs the SPLCST launcher that it's time to use up the charge. This fires a special shot that consumes no ammo, but renders the weapon inoperable for 1000ms. The weapon cannot be reloaded while in this post-SPLCST state. SPLCST forms based on charge:

gameplay benefit Would encourage players to tap fire their weapon and draw their attention to the amount of bullets they fire. Would add additional risk/reward considerations to the question of "should i keep spamming?" And to be honest? It's just an awesome idea. A gun that can do everything - albeit not as well as specialized guns.

snipergamingop commented 1 year ago

Bulletspam but less annoying? Count me in

deferred-impact commented 1 year ago

Doubt it will be any less annoying, probably even more annoying.

But, y'know. I'd still rather have this than another LMG with 4% different stats

NOTGregory commented 1 year ago

yes good

deferred-impact commented 11 months ago

Marking as consensus as per reactions.