defi-wonderland / natspec-smells

👃Automatically identify missing or incomplete natspec
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feat(remappings): ✨ fallback to forge auto-remappings #47

Open cruzdanilo opened 3 months ago

cruzdanilo commented 3 months ago

when remappings.txt is absent and foundry.toml config doesn't have any remapping, fallback to forge auto-generated remappings.

apart from being a good fallback, many developers even prefer this approach. as an example, here is a quote from coinbase solidity style guide:

1. Avoid custom remappings.

Remappings help Forge find dependencies based on import statements. Forge will automatically deduce some remappings, for example


We should avoid adding to these or defining any remappings explicitly, as it makes our project harder for others to use as a dependency. For example, if our project depends on Solmate and so does theirs, we want to avoid our project having some irregular import naming, resolved with a custom remapping, which will conflict with their import naming.


gas1cent commented 3 months ago

Hey @cruzdanilo! Thanks for the PR, letting foundry figure out the remappings sounds like a great idea! We're in the process of overhauling the CLI and will get back to this PR a bit later.