defnull / multipart

A fast multipart/form-data parser for python
MIT License
135 stars 33 forks source link

v1.2.0: LICENSE file missing in pypi downloads #70

Closed gudnimg closed 4 days ago

gudnimg commented 5 days ago

Hi, not sure if it was intentional but the license file is missing from the pypi tar:


defnull commented 5 days ago

Not intentional, I'll check why and push 1.2.1 tomorrow. Thanks!

defnull commented 5 days ago

I'm curious, how/why did you notice?

gudnimg commented 5 days ago

@defnull Hi thanks for the reply

I'm curious, how/why did you notice?

I am building the Python package for an embedded device (Yocto Project) and was upgrading my Bitbake recipe (from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0). Usually the only things I need to to change is the SHA256 check sum, and the version in the recipe file name. The build requires a License checksum if it is open source code and verifies the checksum of the LICENSE file. When I tried building my Linux image it complained about not finding the LICENSE file for the multipart package.

SUMMARY = "Parser for the multipart/form-data format"
DESCRIPTION = "This module provides a parser for the multipart/form-data format. \
It can read from a file, a socket or a WSGI environment. The parser can be used \
to replace cgi.FieldStorage to work around its limitations."
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e67eb8de09d13df51e53dd996e7d5c48"

SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "fc9ec7177b642e07c3c360126b9c845160376e65db6fcfd04df63d58135e1e8b"

inherit pypi python_flit_core

# python3-misc is required for wsgiref
RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \
    python3-core \
    python3-io \
    python3-misc \

Btw thanks for creating this python package! 😄 . It helped me port my code away from the now removed cgi module. The email module in Python doesn't really replace it for low memory systems.

defnull commented 4 days ago

Ah! Nice to know :) multipart-1.2.1 has a LICENCE file again. I just published it. Do you have any other suggestion on how to make a python module easier to work with for maintainers?

gudnimg commented 4 days ago

Do you have any other suggestion on how to make a python module easier to work with for maintainers?

Not much as I haven’t tried publishing pypi packages myself. But from the Yocto project perspective, it is useful to minimize runtime dependencies. And defining as much as possible in the toml file is super helpful. I use it frequently to see if any dependencies have changed (build-time or run time).