defold / editor2-issues

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profiler.enable_ui() cause engine halt at release build #2648

Closed selimanac closed 4 years ago

selimanac commented 5 years ago

Engine halts when profiler.enable_ui(false) called at release build (Tested on MacOS, iOS, Windows)

function init(self)
    -- halts here. never reached."@render:", "clear_color", {color = vmath.vector4(255 / 255, 0 / 255, 0 / 255, 0)})
AGulev commented 4 years ago

There is no profiler module in release mode. That means you try to call (nil).enable_ui(false) and get a Lua error there. It is expected behavior.

selimanac commented 4 years ago

That means you try to call (nil).enable_ui(false) and get a Lua error there. It is expected behavior.

Hi @AGulev

It isn't throw error, actually it should. This is why I opened this issue: It completely blocks the thread, no error no warning, none, game just stops(only on release bundle).

Is this a expected behavior? If so OK, but not for me. Anyone can forget to remove this simple function from his code and they can pull their hair to find what cause a engine halt on release build.

Example is attached. Simply bundle it for target platform and run.

AGulev commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look today evening.

AGulev commented 4 years ago

I've checked your example and modified it a bit by adding label and error handler:

function init(self)
    sys.set_error_handler(function(source, message, traceback) 
        label.set_text("#label", message)
    profiler.enable_ui(false)".", "acquire_input_focus")"@render:", "use_fixed_fit_projection", { near = -1, far = 1 })
    go.animate("/go", "position.x", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 850, go.EASING_INBOUNCE, 1)

Here is result


As I told you this is just a Lua error. We don't have profiler module in release mode, so we can't call this function. That's how Lua works: execution in progress until the first error. You can't see the error just because you are in release mode and don't have a connected Editor or some other way to see logs, for example, DefCon

If you write any Lua code with an error in the first line of the function result will be the same (even in debug mode), for example:

function init(self)
    -- we don't have random_name table with some_function - that means we will have Lua error here
        -- and everything in this function after the error will not be called.
    random_name.some_function()".", "acquire_input_focus")"@render:", "use_fixed_fit_projection", { near = -1, far = 1 })
    go.animate("/go", "position.x", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 850, go.EASING_INBOUNCE, 1)

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
    if action_id == hash("touch") and action.pressed then


AGulev commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what can we do here. We already have info in Profiling manual that this module is available only in Debug:

Defold includes a set of profiling tools that are integrated with the engine and the build pipeline. These are designed to help find problems with performance and memory usage. The built-in profilers are available on debug builds only.

That's why I closed this issue and told you this is expected behavior.

selimanac commented 4 years ago

If you write any Lua code with error in the first line of the function result will be the same (even in debug mode), for example:

I definitely doesn't aware of that. I thought it is only related to profiler. I get it now, thank you. This not really important for me, I was thinking the newcomers.