No, I was not able to bundle to any other platform. An empty project bundled fine.
The issue turned out to be that I called a lua script as ".onscreen" when I should have had it as "blank.onscreen." By putting onscreen.lua into a folder and calling it from there it removed the issue.
Forum Post
Expected behaviour
Bundle Defold project as iOS application
Actual behaviour
reported error canceling build stating: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unknown
Steps to reproduce
Tried to bundle multiple times. Observed error.
And this only happens when you bundle to iOS? The same project can be bundled to macOS for instance? Can you bundle an empty project to iOS?
No, I was not able to bundle to any other platform. An empty project bundled fine.
The issue turned out to be that I called a lua script as ".onscreen" when I should have had it as "blank.onscreen." By putting onscreen.lua into a folder and calling it from there it removed the issue. Forum Post
It should also work to remove the initial dot and keep the file in the root of the project. It is cleaner though to have the files in folders.