defold / extension-spine

The Defold specific Spine runtime implementation
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Crash "PlayNodeFlipbookAnim called with node not containing animation" #160

Open bspiewak-ms opened 6 months ago

bspiewak-ms commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug (REQUIRED) Crash when using gui.play_flipbook(). The node has attached texture downloaded from the internet in runtime.

Expected behavior (REQUIRED) No crash

Defold version (REQUIRED): Version: 1.6.2 SHA1: d556cba5b6d121d06e718f5c51c2b8ad29557af9

Platforms (REQUIRED): Reproduced on mac


PlayNodeFlipbookAnim called with node not containing animation.
FATAL:DEFCOMPAT: [root]<modules/lua_error_handler.lua:55 capture_exception>: lua error {error_message = "gui/map/offers_hud_rotator/base_offer_button.lua:138: Animation 'icon_triple_offers_endless' invalid for node 'offers_side_panel/template_offer_button/icon' (no animation set)\
", manufacturer = "", model = "", sys_name = "Darwin", sys_version = "23.3.0", traceback = "stack traceback:  [C]: in function 'play_flipbook' ...
Assertion failed: (Capacity() - Size() > 0), function Push, file array.h, line 557.
INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/bartlomiejspiewak/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash

ERROR:CRASH: 0   dmengine                            0x0000000101092a44 _ZN7dmCrash7OnCrashEi + 104
ERROR:CRASH: 1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x0000000180ee5a24 _sigtramp + 56
ERROR:CRASH: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x0000000180eb5cc0 pthread_kill + 288
ERROR:CRASH: 3   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x0000000180dc1a40 abort + 180
ERROR:CRASH: 4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x0000000180dc0d30 err + 0
ERROR:CRASH: 5   dmengine                            0x0000000101112d94 _ZN7dmSpineL14FindSpineBonesEPNS_15InternalGuiNodeEP6spBone.cold.1 + 0
ERROR:CRASH: 6   dmengine                            0x0000000100e1ed48 _ZN7dmSpineL14FindSpineBonesEPNS_15InternalGuiNodeEP6spBone + 0
ERROR:CRASH: 7   dmengine                            0x0000000100e1e2b4 _ZN7dmSpineL9FindBonesEPNS_15InternalGuiNodeE + 92
ERROR:CRASH: 8   dmengine                            0x0000000100e1f824 _ZN7dmSpineL9GuiUpdateEPKN12dmGameSystem13CustomNodeCtxEf + 124
ERROR:CRASH: 9   dmengine                            0x0000000100ebb210 _ZN12dmGameSystemL24UpdateCustomNodeCallbackEPvPN5dmGui5SceneEjjS0_f + 220
ERROR:CRASH: 10  dmengine                            0x000000010107f4f4 _ZN5dmGui11UpdateSceneEPNS_5SceneEf + 1356
ERROR:CRASH: 11  dmengine                            0x0000000100eba054 _ZN12dmGameSystemL13CompGuiUpdateERKN12dmGameObject22ComponentsUpdateParamsERNS0_22ComponentsUpdateResultE + 220
ERROR:CRASH: 12  dmengine                            0x0000000100e91424 _ZN12dmGameObject6UpdateEPNS_16CollectionHandleEPKNS_13UpdateContextE + 448
ERROR:CRASH: 13  dmengine                            0x0000000100eb3fe0 _ZN12dmGameSystem25CompCollectionProxyUpdateERKN12dmGameObject22ComponentsUpdateParamsERNS0_22ComponentsUpdateResultE + 588
ERROR:CRASH: 14  dmengine                            0x0000000100e91424 _ZN12dmGameObject6UpdateEPNS_16CollectionHandleEPKNS_13UpdateContextE + 448
ERROR:CRASH: 15  dmengine                            0x0000000100e3dde8 _ZN8dmEngine4StepEPNS_6EngineE + 832
ERROR:CRASH: 16  dmengine                            0x0000000100e3e3cc _Z14dmEngineUpdatePN8dmEngine6EngineE + 32
ERROR:CRASH: 17  dmengine                            0x0000000100e3ede4 _ZN8dmEngine7RunLoopEPKNS_13RunLoopParamsE + 104
ERROR:CRASH: 18  dmengine                            0x0000000100e3ed68 _Z11engine_mainiPPc + 88
ERROR:CRASH: 19  dyld                                0x0000000180b350e0 start + 2360
Jhonnyg commented 4 months ago

Do you have a repro case for this, or a bit information about your setup?

bspiewak-ms commented 1 week ago

Hi, sorry for late answer. As I remember, we firstly call a gui.set_texture() and then on a same node gui.play_flipbook(). This lead to the crash. Let me know if it won't crash, I'll try to find a task in which I faced this issue

AGulev commented 4 days ago

@bspiewak-ms I tried many combinations, but I can't reproduce this crash. Do you have a minimal project where it is reproducible?