All parameters are supplied at launch by the user via interactive prompts.
New prompt for session name, which replaces NAMING_SUFFIX
Parameters required for rollback are stored in a state file on an S3 bucket
New S3 bucket is shared amongst all AWS users in an account (n0work-{acct-id}). CFTs and other files now use this bucket as well, and the files are uniquely identified by the session name. The reason to put them all in a single bucket was so that rollback can enumerate all the state files in the bucket and display them to the user for selection. In addition, there needed to be a central location to store the AMI IDs that created.
Rollback modified to source parameters from S3 bucket, prompts user to select the session to roll back
Naming modified to deprecate cisco-hol, TetHoL, etc. in favor of n0work
AMI create hooked into to execute when AMIs have not yet been created in a region
AMI create was modified to write a file to the shared S3 bucket containing the AMI IDs that it created for that region ({region}-ami-ids.yml) each time it runs checks for the existence of the file on S3 containing the AMI IDs. If it not there, it launches ami_create. If the file is already there then it loads the AMI IDs from the file on S3.
added a check to make sure the user has the AWS creds exported to their environment, and if they are not then stop execution before trying to do anything. Otherwise it fails with a less than obvious failure reason.