deftjs / DeftJS

Extensions for Large-Scale Sencha Touch and Ext JS Applications
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Introduce Promise-aware function chaining convenience methods. #49

Closed johnyanarella closed 12 years ago

johnyanarella commented 12 years ago

Developers new to Promises and Deferreds often are curious how to use these in the context of operation queues, where a set of functions needs to be run in sequence, in parallel, or as a pipeline.

@briancavalier posted an excellent GitHub Gist demonstrating how to achieve this with his library when.js:

It would be helpful to provide similar convenience methods were provided as part of the Deft JS library, adapted to match the Deft JS Promise API.

Specifically, these methods would be implemented as new static methods of a Deft.promise.Chain class / package (with alternate class name Deft.Chain).