defuncart / shogi_proverbs

A mobile application containing 50 Shogi proverbs.
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Dark Mode Notation #29

Open gschiess opened 1 week ago

gschiess commented 1 week ago

Just got the app and I am really enjoying the idea.

But I noticed that in dark mode the black and white gets swapped. I'm included a screenshot of the darkmode and lightmode that shows it swapped.

This is on android.



defuncart commented 1 week ago

Hi @gschiess, thanks for checking out Shogi Proverbs! Regardless of theme, black is represented by ☗, and white by ☖. So the above screenshots are as expected. What is that you would have expected?

gschiess commented 1 week ago

My thought for dark mode that would make sense is to switch them so black is the darker color in dark mode so it matches better to light mode. And like wise with white. Since in light mode black is actually black and likewise with white , but that's just my thought.