defunkt / dotjs

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The ruby server constantly stays over 1% cpu usage #37

Closed AndrewVos closed 11 years ago

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

PID COMMAND %CPU TIME #TH #WQ #PORT #MREG RPRVT RSHRD RSIZE 64589 top 5.6 00:00.37 1/1 0 24 33 936K 264K 1516K 0- kernel_task 1.6 02:26:40 67/2 0 2 1006 17M 0B 257M
64583 ruby 1.3 00:00.26 2/1 0 20 60 4892K 244K 5936K 217 mongod 1.2 28:46.78 8 0 41 48 1468K 244K 3468K

Perhaps switching to another server would be better?

defunkt commented 12 years ago

Holy smokes.

I'm experimenting with removing the server entirely. That's the ultimate goal.

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

Yeah I know :(

I had to remove it from my MBP cause of this!

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

Ok I just rewrote the server in Sinatra and it failed because launchctl likely uses the system ruby to execute the script. It did have a much lower cpu usage though.

What about using some sort of light weight server? That would probably break Windows support though. Do you care about windows support?

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

So, how about removing the ruby server entirely by taking this approach by jasonkit? I'm willing to try it, if you want.

This has the advantage of making this an OS-independent extension, which would be pretty nice. Just need to cross the hurdle of finding the right script path (~/.js symlink like mentioned?), and checking what happens on the update of the browser extension.

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

Symlinks probably won't work on windows.

Worth a try though. I might be wrong.

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Yes, symlinks definitely won't work on Windows. But, Ubuntu and Mac support could pretty much be out of the box. Wonder if providing the path of the scripts location in the extension page or something would be enough.

Anyway, I'll try it out. Will let you know soon.

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

Yeah or you could inject the full path to .js into the config when running the rake install.

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Quick update: Not as easy as mentioned, because the chrome://extension-id/script/ URL access is considered a cross domain request, which content scripts are not directly allowed to do.

There are ways of getting past this. Will continue experimenting.

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Hey Andrew, if you're around, you might want to try this. The ext folder has the new extension. It'll need to be installed manually, and you might need to uninstall (or disable) the older dotjs extension.

@defunkt will need to build the extension (using the private key), if he agrees with this. I think this should just be a normal Chrome extension on the Extensions gallery of Chrome, and we can provide a page with a simple OS check and instructions to the location of the script files and instructions on adding a symlink.

What do you think?

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

I created a simple page, which can be hosted somewhere. All it does is a small OS check and gives some instructions about the dotjs script dir. Here it is.

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

@AndrewVos, I've opened a pull request for this change, so that we can have a conversation with @defunkt about this. Let's see where it goes.

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

Sorry we're in different time zones it seems. I'll try have a look at this if I get a chance today...

defunkt commented 12 years ago

@AndrewVos What version of Ruby do you have? Can you do ruby -v? This might be an issue with the OS X Ruby that Apple ships.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i686-darwin10.7.0], MBARI 0x6770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2011.03
chris    38652   0.0  0.2  2444384   6592   ??  S    Fri08PM   0:08.55 ruby /usr/local/bin/djsd
defunkt commented 12 years ago

@arvindsv I've gotten the "no server" approach to work using a scripts/ directory inside the extension, but removing or upgrading the extension would wipe all your scripts (right?). If there's someway around that we'll be a lot closer.

Also, I symlink ~/.js into Dropbox (for backups) so I'm still trying to get a serverless approach that lets me continue to do that:

$ ls -l ~/.js
lrwxr-xr-x  1 chris  staff  32 Apr  8 12:30 /Users/chris/.js -> /Users/chris/Dropbox/repos/dotjs
arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Well, the security around Chrome extensions makes that hard. I don't see any good way of getting both those aspects working. The update, might work somehow (not sure), but the other one, almost certainly not.

I don't know if creating a symlink from within the scripts/ dir back to a real ~/.js would work. What do you think? If that works, we can install the plugin and then create a symlink in the extension dir, where scripts/ links to ~/.js.

Then, the chrome:// file URL lookup should also support symlinks. I doubt it will.

defunkt commented 12 years ago

I don't know if creating a symlink from within the scripts/ dir back to a real ~/.js would work. What do you think? If that works, we can install the plugin and then create a symlink in the extension dir, where scripts/ links to ~/.js.

Doesn't work :(

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

There might be a solution for your dropbox problem. Apparently, dropbox follows links outside. So, you can symlink /Users/chris/Dropbox/repos/dotjs to ~/.js (and subsequently, the scripts/ folder, let's say) and it should work. A reverse symlink, if you will.

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Here's a reference to that:

arvindsv commented 12 years ago

Have you considered this?

AndrewVos commented 12 years ago

1.9.2 with rvm and I'm guessing 1.8.7 system ruby

On 4 Jul 2011, at 19:09, defunkt wrote:

@AndrewVos What version of Ruby do you have? Can you do ruby -v? This might be an issue with the OS X Ruby that Apple ships.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i686-darwin10.7.0], MBARI 0x6770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2011.03
chris    38652   0.0  0.2  2444384   6592   ??  S    Fri08PM   0:08.55 ruby /usr/local/bin/djsd

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andreineculau commented 12 years ago


any fixes on this? I confirm that my env is like in the above AndrewVos' comment rvm 1.9.2, system ruby 1.8.7

defunkt commented 11 years ago

Haven't found a clean solution yet so assuming WEBrick is gonna stay.