I have tried gist-paste in Ubuntu 20.04 and I want to upload based on "Paste from the clipboard" but I have this error message:
Error: Could not find copy command, tried: pbpaste || xclip -o || xsel -o || getclip
This is my command example:
gist-paste --filename test.py -p -d "a brief description of this file" -P
I have tried gist-paste in Ubuntu 20.04 and I want to upload based on "Paste from the clipboard" but I have this error message:
Error: Could not find copy command, tried: pbpaste || xclip -o || xsel -o || getclip
This is my command example:
gist-paste --filename test.py -p -d "a brief description of this file" -P
Does anybody know how to solve it? Thank you.