defunkt / gist

Potentially the best command line gister.
MIT License
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For security propose i thin it's better to make private "-p or --private" parameter as default #342

Open psycalc opened 2 years ago

psycalc commented 2 years ago

For security propose i thin it's better to make private "-p or --private" parameter as default, In order So as not to accidentally publish secrets, passwords, etc.,

temporary solution it is alias gist in /home/username/.bash_aliases or .bashrc alias gist="gist --private" or alias gist="gist -p"

0xallie commented 1 year ago

I like this idea, especially as GitHub made it impossible to make public gists private, with the justification that it's "pointless" as it may have already been indexed by search engines (a warning for that would have sufficed, but oh well).