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Apple Music and TIDAL support #2

Open jschenke488 opened 1 month ago

jschenke488 commented 1 month ago

Could support for Apple Music and TIDAL be added?

Implementations and documentation


Apple Music

SuspiciousLookingOwl commented 1 month ago

I did take a look at both of them.

For TIDAL, seems like the public API is still quite new and only available for development. I don't know how limited the development mode will be (mainly on the rate limit) or whether it's viable to be used as a small / personal bot with less than 100 servers (which is what Degabut meant to be). I'll have to test it out first. image

For Apple Music, I think it's possible to use the public anonymous API, but I'll have to write my own library for it, I couldn't find a well-maintained library (including the one that you provided) that also supports TypeScript.

With that being said, adding support for another music platform, and making sure that it's viable without having to ask for "increased rate limit", "production mode", or anything alike from the music service so that it can be used by the self-hoster without too much effort, is not a small task (and I don't want to spend my time adding support for another music service just for it to not be viable to be used by more than 1 or 2 users).

I'm currently working on refactoring & cleaning up the web client code and there are other things that I would like to add to Degabut. So, this would be a low priority for now.