degdigital / magento2-customreports

Magento 2 module that allows an admin panel user to create new reporting grids via SQL statements.
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User documentation #13

Open MarcusWolschon opened 6 years ago

MarcusWolschon commented 6 years ago

I have installed this module via composer. Now what?

There seems to be some user documentation missing on how to use it.

It's not lised in "reports" or in the list of all modules in stores->configuration->advanced->advanced but was installed by composer and does exist under /vendors.

MarcusWolschon commented 6 years ago

Seems that after composer config repositories.degdigital-magento2-customreport vcs composer require degdigital/magento2-customreports --no-update

I forgot to enable the module via bin/magento module:enable DEG_CustomReports --clear-static-content" then bin/magento setup:upgrade then bin/magento setup:di:compile

That would be something to be added to

MarcusWolschon commented 6 years ago

It should also be mentioned that the xml-block for the "readonly" user should go into app/etc/env.php (and it should probably use "localhost" instead of the legacy-IP to be compatible with ::1) and how to create the read-only user CREATE USER 'magenro'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXX'; GRANT SELECT on magento_db.* to 'magenro'@'localhost';

also here is an example-report to get users started (shows exports=sales without sales tax)


sales_order.entity_id as orderID, YEAR(sales_order.created_at) as year, MONTH(sales_order.created_at) as month, FORMAT(sales_order.total_qty_ordered, 2) as total_qty_ordered, FORMAT(sales_order.total_paid, 2) as total_paid, FORMAT(sales_order.total_refunded, 2) as total_refunded from sales_order left outer join sales_order_tax on (sales_order.entity_id = sales_order_tax.order_id) where sales_order_tax.order_id is null AND sales_order.total_paid > 0

ORDER BY YEAR(sales_order.created_at) DESC, MONTH(sales_order.created_at) DESC

peterjaap commented 1 year ago

This can be closed after is merged.

The readonly part is not relevant any more, but might be in the future, see #42