degica / barcelona

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AMI update to Amazon Linux 2 2.0.20240424 #809

Closed showwin closed 4 months ago

showwin commented 4 months ago

AMI Update

This PR will also update the AMIs of the container instances as described in this guide:

Release notes

Amazon ECS-optimized AMIs - Amazon Elastic Container Service


And it also updates the AMI for the bastion image.

Bastion AMI SSM path:


This time is not for security update but for Docker version update since the current version will be EOF.

degikko commented 4 months ago

@ochko can you help us review this PR, please?

showwin commented 4 months ago

Actually, we have to upgrade the AMI after May 16, 2024 when the latest AMI supports Docker 25.0.3... I only updated ec-staging and staging district with this AMI.

I'll do it 2 weeks later after RubyKaigi.

showwin commented 3 months ago

I realized this should revert this change if we don't update AMI soon.