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Week 8 Questions: Pandemics & Other Biological Threats #16

Open deholz opened 4 months ago

deholz commented 4 months ago

Questions for Asha George.

timok15 commented 4 months ago

Before the covid pandemic, how did dis-/misinformation factor into assessments of biogenic risk? How has the deadly proliferation of dis-/misinformation during the pandemic reorientated assessments of future biogenic risk? What sorts of strategies are now being considered to hopefully prevent the info-catastrophe that occurred from being so severe, if not never happening again?

ldbauer1011 commented 4 months ago

There is a mythical quality about media that "called" how a pandemic response was like years before it happens. Are these pieces of media truly premonitions, or is it easier than we think to predict pandemic response?

DNT21711 commented 4 months ago

How are new biotechnologies changing our approach to stopping pandemics? With pandemics' historical impacts and future scenarios in mind, what should we focus on to better prepare globally? How can we ensure countries work together more effectively, especially using community strategies against widespread outbreaks?

lubaishao commented 4 months ago

How are biological weapons currently utilized in warfare? Popular or not? Is there a possibility of artificially creating a super virus, whether by accident or intentionally, with high lethality and a long incubation period?

M-Hallikainen commented 4 months ago

We often consider biological warfare in terms of direct and intentional use of of disease as a weapon of war, but throughout much of history the lion's share of wartime disease deaths were circumstantial to more traditional warfare (blockades preventing access to medical care, bombardment destroying clean food and water sources, air raids destroying or severely limiting hospital infrastructure). At what point does traditional warfare become biological warfare in its enabling of biological threats?

oliviaegross commented 4 months ago

How would you describe or see the role of leaders during pandemics? Do you feel they shape public perception, are the right leaders for implementing effective policies, and are able to foster a sense of unity? In what ways can their decisions impact public health outcomes, and what responsibilities do they bear in communicating transparently to build trust and guide communities through challenging times?

gabrielmoos commented 4 months ago

From the 2017 CDC Community Mitigation Guide, it seems that a lot of the information that we shared during the COVID-19 pandemic was already developed in 2009. Are there any forward-looking mitigation techniques, such as teaching kids about pandemics, vaccines and other public measures that have been developed? Could an educational measure help reduce the partisanship around public health?

lucyhorowitz commented 4 months ago

What lessons have been learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? What pre-existing guidelines worked, and which ones didn't? What does the process look like for updating the guidelines?

miansimmons commented 4 months ago

In the United States, Black and Latinx people were consistently hospitalized and died at a higher rate than White people over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that different populations are often disproportionately impacted by pandemics, what can interventions incorporate to address the gaps in wealth and healthcare causing these issues?

ghagle commented 4 months ago

What are the biggest obstacles to a global disease mitigation force that could regulate the environments where novel diseases might develop? Is this even a viable option?

emersonlubke commented 4 months ago

What is it about humans and human nature that make it so hard for us to work together as a society in order to deal with existential threats that so far surpass the individual in terms of scope? Why can we not learn our lesson from past pandemics and effectively mobilize and combat pandemics? Does the existence and unfortunate pervasiveness of the misinformation and disinformation that we've seen over the last 5 years preclude us from ever being able to effectively stop a pandemic before it reaches pandemic levels?

Hai1218 commented 4 months ago

Considering the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the pivotal choices between increased surveillance and authoritarian control versus the empowerment of citizens and global solidarity, how can we effectively balance the urgent need for public health security with the preservation of individual freedoms and privacy? Additionally, in light of the shift towards nationalism and decreased global cooperation, what strategies can be employed to foster international unity and ensure a cohesive and effective global response to not only this pandemic but future global challenges as well?

jamaib commented 4 months ago

Given that it is an election year and policies concerning pandemics are continuously evolving due to the ongoing crisis, how does the government manage the development and revision of these policies across different offices? Furthermore, are specific policies altered or repealed entirely based on the presidency, or is there relative consistency between administrations?

ejcrane commented 4 months ago

To what level are you concerned about bioterrorism? Given the innovations of AI and machine learning in general, a shocking amount of information and deduction is readily available to the average consumer, while the political landscape continues to grow more and more divisive. Would you say this risk is on the rise, and if so, is it something worth having on the radar?

AnikSingh1 commented 4 months ago

In the case of another pandemic that changes the world, to what extent will what we have learned over our shared experiences during COVID-19 come into play? Will we see restraint to how we handled COVID and want to see changes? Is humanity doomed to repeat the same problems that have been overcame in the past?

cbgravitt commented 4 months ago

When thinking of the next pandemic, what source do you find most likely? Another naturally occurring pathogen like Covid-19, or something created by a human being and released, intentionally or otherwise?

WPDolan commented 4 months ago

A significant amount of pandemic response planning is directed towards different sizes of communities, ranging from the development of a nation's health infrastructure to quarantine efforts taken by single households. How much of this messaging would translate to the government's response to a deployed bioweapon?

maevemcguire commented 4 months ago

How do you think the COVID-19 Pandemic has helped us better prepare for the next Pandemic?

AudreyPScott commented 4 months ago

During the unexpected shifts in the scheduling for the Doomsday Clock announcement, you stressed to your fellow Bulletin members and audiences that we cannot ignore biological threats, and that that issue is pressing. Of course, COVID-19 still continues to affect people worldwide -- but outside of that, what do you see as our biggest risks today? Furthermore, what threshold does an illness have to cross for the broader public to take it seriously?

mibr4601 commented 4 months ago

Many people view any extreme measures taken by the CDC as an overreaction even though it likely saves many lives. How should the CDC approach convincing people to believe them and showing that their measures are effective and not an overreaction?

kallotey commented 4 months ago

Do you think human response to future, potential pandemics will improve? Can there be measures to mitigate mass hysteria or is this just a course of human response we need to anticipate?

tosinOO commented 4 months ago

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement and global interconnectedness, the potential for biological threats—ranging from pandemics to bioterrorism—poses significant challenges to our existential security. Considering the dual-use nature of biotechnological research how do we navigate the fine line between innovation and the potential for catastrophic risk? Also, in contemplating the existential implications of such biological threats, what philosophical and practical approaches can be employed to reconcile the drive for scientific exploration with the imperative to ensure the survival and flourishing of human civilization?

madsnewton commented 4 months ago

How could science and public health communication improve to better include communities who may be skeptical of government and health organizations?

Daniela-miaut commented 4 months ago

Assuming that a larger government is required during the time of pandemic so that sufficient resources can be mobilized to reduce infection and mortality, how can we balance the concern with the expanded state power against infection prevention and control (assuming high pandemic severity)? Or is there a way to invalidate this assumption?

summerliu1027 commented 4 months ago

Given that dealing with pandemics requires significant scientific and monetary resources, how can mid to low-income countries better prepare for the next pandemic? What can the rest of the world do to help them?

briannaliu commented 4 months ago

How prepared do you believe we are for the next potential pandemic? What lessons can we take from the COVID-19 pandemic that will help us proactively prepare for the next pandemic?

aaron-wineberg02 commented 4 months ago

Was the Covid-19 pandemic the “pandemic X”? By that I mean, is this the worst kind of pandemic to reasonably expect? Is there a threat for far worse?

GreatPraxis commented 4 months ago

There is discussion that climate change and arctic ice melting might cause a significant increase in the risk of a new pandemic because of previously frozen germs and bacteria being released to the wild. If this were to happen, it could result in a disease that our immune system is completely unprepared for, possibly involving a virus we have never encountered. Do you think there is such a risk? Furthermore, given the COVID-19 pandemic response, do you think humanity is prepared for such a more serious threat?

imilbauer commented 4 months ago

What is the worst possible scenario for a pandemic? How long could it take to develop a vaccine to a rapidly evolving pathogen? Will pathogens evolve to be less life threatening before killing a dramatic proportion of the population?

agupta818 commented 4 months ago

How can we make global efforts to democratize scientific advancements and equal sharing of vaccines to disadvantaged/developing/smaller countries during cases of global pandemics, especially under a potential threat of a more virulent or deadly virus in the future?