This replaces the bintray publication (bintray is gone) with a maven publication to sonatype. In doing so it upgrades to use more recent versions of gradle, shadow, and nebula plugins. It also adds signing support required by sonatype. The build's jar packaging step has to be rewritten as a result rather than just changing the publish target, so the version will get a major bump (effectively a promotion to 0.16 from 0.15) to be on the safe side.
Converts the build to publish to sonatype
This replaces the bintray publication (bintray is gone) with a maven publication to sonatype. In doing so it upgrades to use more recent versions of gradle, shadow, and nebula plugins. It also adds signing support required by sonatype. The build's jar packaging step has to be rewritten as a result rather than just changing the publish target, so the version will get a major bump (effectively a promotion to 0.16 from 0.15) to be on the safe side.