deic-dk / files_picocms

Pico CMS app for ownCloud/Nextcloud
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Breaks access to Personal settings #3

Open michae1ho11ey opened 6 years ago

michae1ho11ey commented 6 years ago

This may be the cause of not setting it up right, but when I enabled the files_picocms app I could never get the CMS to load and when I try to edit my Personal settings ( I get this error:

{"data":{"message":"Application is not enabled","error":"application_not_enabled"},"status":"error"}

I immediately go back disable the app, then access my Personal settings and it loads. The following are the steps I took to install the app.

  1. SSHed into my server and navigated to nextcloud/apps/ directory.
  2. Performed a git clone of the repo
  3. Used chmod to change the ownership of the folder (recursively) to 'www-data:www-data'
  4. Downloaded a zip of the repo to my computer, extracted the 'samplesite' directory and renamed it 'PicoCMS'
  5. Uploaded the directory 'PicoCMS' to my Nextcloud files via the desktop sync client
  6. Edited '~/Nextcloud/PicoCMS/themes/default/fontello.css' file and changed the six src: url() lines at the top of the file to have an absolute server path to the files under 'apps' (/data01/apps/nextcloud/apps/files_picocms/lib/samplesite/themes/default/font/fontello) -- I didn't alter the ending of the path after 'fontello.' on any of the lines
  7. While still on the server I edited the .htaccess file for the Nextcloud install and added the two rewrite lines
  8. Test the rewrite by manually typing
  9. Tried different names for the site but in all cases just got a white page
  10. Saw the line about adding the folder owner in settings and then navigated to the Admin settings then Additional Settings, scrolled down to the bottom and found the settings
  11. Tried to add '33' as the user ID (the UID of www-data) and got an Unexpected error error dialog
  12. Tried changing the path to 'PicoCMS' got the same error
  13. Tried changing the path and the ID at the same time and got the same error
  14. Tried using 'www-data' instead of '33' and tried using the absolute path, got the same error

Hopefully this is helpful. I'd really like to try this app out since I've been looking for a good file based wiki like experience for my Nextcloud install.

poVoq commented 6 years ago

Nextcloud also has an internal uid, which is the login name (not a number and not the "full name"). I think you need to use that one.

jolly-jump commented 6 years ago

Hi. Also tried it out. Same with me: it breaks the personal settings page of the user which has the samplesite folder. I just called it "samplesite" folder. I get the "Unexpected error" when I try to save the username (see attached)

screenshot at 2017-09-15 23 49 03


Thanks, Tobias