deiger / AirCon

Scripts for controlling Air Conditioners, e.g. with HiSense modules.
GNU General Public License v3.0
195 stars 54 forks source link

AEH-W4G2 #160

Open jcbshw opened 2 years ago

jcbshw commented 2 years ago

Stumbled upon this looking to connect my new Hisense AC to home assistant. It has the W4G2 wifi module and uses the ConnectLife app. Nothing really comes up for this module when googling. I have attempted adding it to the other apps but the WiFi network is HIS-####### not HiSmart-####### or the other variations it is looking for.

Anything I can do to look at having support for this AC added?

EDIT: looks like the url the AC communicates with is

ehushagen commented 2 years ago

I have just purchased this unit as well, model number AP1022CW1G and have the same issues. I've tried almost every app in the list of supported apps but have had no luck getting it to pair. Information does seem to be incredibly sparse on this model.

Edit: I have no idea if it is helpful or not, but I have nmap scanned all ports. The only one open appears to be UDP 5030.

jcbshw commented 2 years ago

I did a nmap scan when directly connected to the AC and TCP 5020 was open for me. Never noticed UDP 5030 open when the AC was paired to the app. Seems all traffic was HTTPS.

evelant commented 2 years ago

I picked up a couple of these ACs too. Seems like this repo doesn't have the ability to connect to whatever server "ConnectLife" uses. Hopefully the protocol is the same and it's as simple as finding the new endpoint.

evelant commented 2 years ago

OK so I took a look at the auth network traffic using mitmproxy, it's talking to:

    "accessToken": "pa2u47xnRnfcy7qqsjRweLt3ACThrT2VDNWZOfBKMV_OojBXuPkTqrR3trCAKOnpJoX2mQ1PKNlTbu1rOmV3bKLU_-C1GjurjEGAhqYxgrBONlXd-5MZC6GtwLASr5jTWE5drMWncHgKTzlpdCBqLA85O8gm6eKRMOItp_HFPBgxjwT6wXuZ2TgWQXqvY2nxjDB2WHnwF6sCuFM_bUIxYlEXI2PV3O_puigM8sXQfEtSkaX2wIMyutjUXQSyJFpRa0X5NPiBTl67O0fU4W7POeWV_tCx9Xi-wvNbA4loZ-L3t42uPVsolnaICGu8I91faQatBVHgyscr0Z5B8cwUl0WMWKclNOa4xqAhX0rqEmF8YjKmmGwESF_dzsgIczemhDy",
    "appId": "47110565134383",
    "appSecret": "yOzhz6junYno-nmULM3Wr7PU_dpSZN22ZdluvVWZ4uW5ZwwG8fIGCHTbrhcnU-iv",
    "languageId": "1",
    "loginName": "MY_EMAIL_HERE",
    "password": "E5o+7sDv0vuDw.....hashed password continues....zz405TLK1n0bjE/xV/g==",
    "randStr": "389429",
    "sign": "IzR2jIgqJwWr8hsWkueuhC6nI/UlMZs29cegGiwuhkyIBjcBwlMft4xVPsbRYX+DGEFGmK02PWzzIV8QBlXhSQ9beh71eMkhbtWOCkynMQ98cKuwqrlefxmwSBPu8YA3unX+5ue+fQJgE1uX4gy9NuqIV6XUbarGMNR3z7JrmFUG07M5n2d7AXyLwiNwbhNzortsZ8RG4Q2OL+T2MV4PF5dpFmrvizFSDBPTelprObQZOpKqIBPxOjsppKF8RGtaYrkOaIMqcS44sV2Swl0cGLLXbbVCxSk6to7ljvL+097I5BkEhOcchoq/80WBmUGazlWBvUwL+6qJIA8/sS9LLQ==",
    "sourceId": "td0010020000D51781E428534D17A50E67A07F2AC106",
    "timeStamp": "1652731738",
    "timezone": "EDT",
    "version": "2.1"

with response

    "response": {
        "accessToken": "pa1u47x.......long token here.... LAdOQ",
        "accessTokenCreateTime": 1652731738,
        "accessTokenExpiredTime": 86400,
        "customerId": "315843845029890",
        "refreshToken": "pr1u47x....long token here....PcK1Q53A",
        "refreshTokenExpiredTime": 2592000,
        "resultCode": 0
    "signatureServer": "vj9IJbpirL6cp1dcrt8HBO8lj5An7L0z+PAkTNvtV1nA1RhZNGZbFqKzABlf/0ZEPIPz/IkHT47fCN5ZgtJm9joNGPBgfP85QWULd9DmCq1xn3EIDxHVQ51WpavyAQBY8LNXFFnDvzf44/u49tkLAzhnJjkm0nhmo5x0vXAMlS2OqkkMHnbJlwDQohbxnIcXfhiIaVHjNcZLhB0KPnrZgDQlHp84HVLiiDG6nkQuYGFK+gR3E3bjxIWgM8FRPTMXJeRRr+tXro6fkPZONWCkZ9lmUnZwMrxJlAQi40lI0WIOYUj4BYnys84QPyJRf/CM695zNXLFRGn9L2IZ5shvLw=="

I'm guessing that adding an implementation for fetching the accessToken and refreshToken from these endpoints is probably what's needed to make these ACs work but I haven't really looked at this codebase much and I'm not well versed in python so I don't know if I'll have time to do it anytime soon.

@deiger could you let me know if there is any more information needed to add support for the newer models with the ConnectLife app?

deiger commented 2 years ago

Hi, Is this your app? I'll try to fetch the relevant codes.

ehushagen commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's the one.

evelant commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's the app used by the newer Hisense models

deiger commented 2 years ago

So it seems that (at least) the discovery requests are somewhat different. For the previous models, there was a POST query to a user server (replaced here by, and then GET queries to a devices server to fetch the list of devices and LAN data (maybe here?). Could you check if you see further queries?

evelant commented 2 years ago

Yes, sorry, there are further queries (to as you already guessed) although I didn't see any device info in the responses. Let me capture more info and I'll post it here shortly.

evelant commented 2 years ago

@deiger Here is the series of requests and responses, obvious analytics calls omitted starting from a fresh login to the ConnectLife app

I'm guessing at some point it's opening a connection to a websocket or to local devices but mitmproxy isn't picking it up since I don't see any traffic captured when I control an AC with the app, but at least here is the auth flow.

accept: */*
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept-language: en-US;q=1
content-length: 660


HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:04 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1319

user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept: */*
accept-language: en-US;q=1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
content-length: 0

HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:04 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 770

accept: */*
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept-language: en-US;q=1
content-length: 662


HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:21 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1319

accept: */*
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept-language: en-US;q=1
content-length: 1158


HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:21 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1378

user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept: */*
accept-language: en-US;q=1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
content-length: 0

HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:21 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 770

accept: */*
content-type: application/json
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept-language: en-US;q=1
content-length: 1198


HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:22 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 410

user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept: */*
accept-language: en-US;q=1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
content-length: 0

HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:22 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1015

accept: */*
content-type: application/json
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept-language: en-US;q=1
content-length: 1196


HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:22 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 410

user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept: */*
accept-language: en-US;q=1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
content-length: 0

HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:22 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1015

user-agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
accept: */*
accept-language: en-US;q=1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
content-length: 0

HTTP/2.0 200 
date: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:04:22 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-application-context: api-gateway:10002
content-length: 1015


I saw some failed requests in there too, not sure what they are but seem websocket related, this might be the actual device communication part but mitmproxy doesn't seem to pick it up or proxy it successfully

POST /api/systemLog HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
Accept-Language: en-US;q=1
Content-Length: 113
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

{"title":"iOS-315843845029890","content":"初始化创建长链接","type":9,"addTime":"2022-05-17 21:17:35:479"}
POST /api/systemLog HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Runner/1.2.0 (iPhone; iOS 15.4.1; Scale/3.00)
Accept-Language: en-US;q=1
Content-Length: 105
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

{"title":"iOS-315843845029890","content":"webSocketDidOpen","type":9,"addTime":"2022-05-17 21:17:35:697"}
mattclar commented 2 years ago

I have this same Hisense AEH-W4G2 module. Happy to help with testing if needed

evelant commented 2 years ago

@deiger is the information I provided useful or is there something else specific you'd like me to look for?

deiger commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. This is vastly different from other Hisense modules. Could you please try capturing the traffic sent to the A/C as well? If the issue is just with the bootstrap, we can deviate the code of, but if the communication protocol with the A/C is different it might not be worth it.

evelant commented 2 years ago

@deiger Sorry but I'm not super familiar with inspecting network traffic. I used mitmproxy to capture the above but it didn't seem to pick up any traffic to the A/C. What tool would you recommend using to try to capture that traffic?

deiger commented 2 years ago

@evelant the same packet capture app should work also for the traffic against the A/C, but the packets would be sent to the local IP address of the A/C. Are you seeing the A/C in the Hisense app, and are able to control it?

mattclar commented 2 years ago

I cant seem to find a way to input a proxy for the AC to use? thats a requirement of using mitmproxy correct? Also tried capturing packets from the android app, no luck unfortunately as the app (like most other android apps apparently) is using SSL certificate pinning which defeats the mitmproxy 😢

jcbshw commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately it doesn't look like there is any local traffic between the app and the AC. All traffic captured with Wireshark when controlling the AC was via an external IP.

evelant commented 2 years ago

@mattclar I used mitmproxy as a proxy for the app on my iphone to inspect the traffic. I didn't see any local traffic from the phone to the AC. I'm not sure if it doesn't exist or if mitmproxy didn't catch it somehow. It seems like maybe the AC is communicating directly with hisense servers instead of with the app. I'm not sure how to capture that traffic if that's what's going on.

evelant commented 2 years ago

Also, has anybody opened one of these up and gotten a look at the mcu? Maybe if it's an esp32 or some such it could be re-flashed.

jcbshw commented 2 years ago

I finally had some time to look into this more. I used mitmproxy in SOCKS mode and utilized an iOS app Brook to create a VPN connection to the SOCKS proxy.

I do not see any responses that provide LAN info of the AC and it seems all communication is done directly with the server over websockets. Every request seems to have a random string and is signed along with the access token.

Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 8 38 51 PM Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 8 35 27 PM

brayStorm commented 1 year ago

Also, has anybody opened one of these up and gotten a look at the mcu? Maybe if it's an esp32 or some such it could be re-flashed.

I have a Fujitsu Halcyon split heat pump. Set up with FGLair app, then blocked from internet and used this repository to connect control. I am now interested in swapping this component out for some ESP32s or 8266s. Do these photos help anyone? IMG_2974 IMG_2973 IMG_2972

mattclar commented 1 year ago

image I think this confirms there is a websocket connection opening as the app is throwing out this log to a random IP address

EDIT: sorry i can now see this was already established

maschmann commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, same problem here. If I can provide any help, let me know. Using the android app, got 5 units with the newer W4G2 module and one with the older one. Have to fiddle with two apps which is quite annoying. Also did some research and as of now there is no public API nor any kind of documentation, though they are providing an alexa skill, which might be exploited for some refence information.

djm193 commented 1 year ago

I have also 3 units with the new wifi module working only with connect life app. This apps works, however it is annoying that you cannot interconnect your AC with your other stuff in the house. I would really appreciate a working hass integration. If there is anything I can assist with just let me know

maschmann commented 1 year ago

I did some more research on the "Omnichannel strategy" Gorenje Group and Hisense are employing. There is not a single word about integrating something else than the currently existing Alexa integration, so my hopes are down for a quick solution. One idea that came up, is to check how the Alexa skill works and maybe reverse-engineer. The second option is my AC-technician: Maybe he can come up with five more "old" wLAN modules 🙄 It's just so bad to not offer any kind of external API integration. Even Somfy, Netatmo, etc. do so.

evelant commented 1 year ago

@maschmann If you've found some contact info of the company who made the integration perhaps send them an email and ask? Might get lucky and they'll be willing to work on an integration since hass is so high profile these days.

maschmann commented 1 year ago

@evelant I've tried - there seems to be no official way of contacting the people behind in any way - aside from vulnerability notifications. When researching ConnectLife LLC, you end up somewhere in Slovenia, but no contact info, so far. As I already stated: I've not seen something so closed before. I'll try to contact Hisense, but hopes are low.

// edit I've just written a lengthy email to ConnectLife on their privacy mail address, stating the case and providing some potential benefits of havign a public API or even SDK and letting open source add some additonal value like integrations to other platforms to their product. Curious if it works or if I even get an answer ;-) Will do the same with Hisense.

maschmann commented 1 year ago

First update: Hisense Germany just read "Air conditioning" and directed me to a local dealer, instead of reading my email. Customer service++

maschmann commented 1 year ago

Still no feedback from ConnectLife. I'll do some Wireshark runs to maybe catch the socket conneciton data in the local LAN.

// edit did some capturing. Since I use IPv6 mostly, it's beween a chinese endpoint and my external v6, TLS 1.2 encrypted. Plugging squid in between would need the modules to trust my selfsigned root-ca. Love it.

djm193 commented 1 year ago

Still no feedback from ConnectLife. I'll do some Wireshark runs to maybe catch the socket conneciton data in the local LAN.

// edit did some capturing. Since I use IPv6 mostly, it's beween a chinese endpoint and my external v6, TLS 1.2 encrypted. Plugging squid in between would need the modules to trust my selfsigned root-ca. Love it.

Does it mean you came one step closer? Or was the "Love it" just ironically? Old Wifi Modules are not easy to get in Germany... also not from Italian Sellers...

maschmann commented 1 year ago

Sorry, this was totally ironic. So, not a single step closer 👎 I've found the old modules in poland, but they are not delivering to Germany. Since I need 5 pieces, this is a bit of a problem.

mattclar commented 1 year ago

Not a bad idea, or just work out how it's communicating with the actual aircon

On Wed, 8 June 2022, 10:23 pm imagio, @.***> wrote:

Also, has anybody opened one of these up and gotten a look at the mcu? Maybe if it's an esp32 or some such it could be re-flashed.

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maschmann commented 1 year ago

Not a bad idea, or just work out how it's communicating with the actual aircon

The main challenge with this is: Communication seems to be encrypted. As far as I grasped the concepts there, it's certificate-based and so you can only "see" there is a request from the outside into your network and to your device, but not the body's contents. What we've seen so far are the requests from the app to cloud endpoints. The most interesting part would be:

Cloud (TLS) -> Home/(w)LAN -> AC (TLS)

Which is socket with TLS encryption, so e2e. That's where the need for a root cert for Squid and the device in question, the AC would be needed for. I'd have to be able to "trust" the cert, so squid could de- and encrypt the traffic between cloud and device. If someone manages that, it would be at least possible to try and send commands to the devices from inside the local network. This also depends on the level of trust, implemented in the communications protocol between cloud and AC, aside from transport layer security.

iznaf commented 1 year ago

You can buy the older module on ebay... About 60 EU for a piece, quite pricey... What plugin is compatible with the older module, for use with Homebridge? I just got the new unit now, using two apps is annoying...

iznaf commented 1 year ago

BTW ConnectLife can be linked to Google Home. I tried it and it works. What is left is to connect it to the Apple Home 😵‍💫

evelant commented 1 year ago

@maschmann @deiger @iznaf If it helps I think this might be the wifi module in question:

amstrad83 commented 1 year ago

Hello, i'm new in town, i'm a developer and tech nerd and i've freshly installed 3 units with the new module, so if i can do something to help the cause of HA integration cont me in. i will really appreciate to connect and use the conditioner for free when my solar panel give me more than i use, but obviusly i can'0t do it with the simple application and alexa, i will need the full power of Home assistant.

AlecDusheck commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

I know this issue is pretty dead, but I've done some pretty extensive reverse engineering on the ConnectLife app. I've found a few things:

Would love to bounce some ideas off anyone else doing research into creating some sort of unofficial library for ConnectLife. Other then the things above, it's not too difficult considering you are only aiming to support a few device types.

P.S.: Python script to generate sign values:

evelant commented 1 year ago

@AlecDusheck Awesome, glad to see someone found out some more about it. I don't have time to hack on it at the moment but I've got 3 of these things so I hope the rest of the mystery gets solved 🙂

I also wasn't able to intercept the socket traffic. That's where I left off. Not sure how to get it.

AlecDusheck commented 1 year ago

I've had some more free time and have successfully reverse engineered the websocket logic. While I was never able to mitm it, reverse engineering the binary gave me all the clues:

Once finished, I'll publish a sample library with all my findings.

jcbshw commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Looking forward to trying seeing as I've just brought my AC back out.

mattclar commented 1 year ago

Fantastic news! Thanks for putting in the hard work to get this going

On Sat, 13 May 2023, 12:25 pm Jake Shaw, @.***> wrote:

Awesome! Looking forward to trying seeing as I've just brought my AC back out.

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djm193 commented 1 year ago

Really nice to see! Thanks man

sabaatworld commented 1 year ago

This is very exciting. Hopefully you will be able to get the library working!

quidquid commented 1 year ago

Whoa, nice—I've also been following this and trying to reverse-engineer the app requests. Got hung up looking for the RSA signing key in the (ios) app bundle, like "I know you're in here! 👀" Anyway, I'm down to work on some code

roelteeuwenNL commented 1 year ago

Excellent! I've a ATAG induction cooking plate which connects via WiFi to the ConnectLife app. There is no integration/API via ATAG. When I would only see the on/off status of my cooking plate I'm able to connect it to my extractor hood (turn off/on).

JuanmanDev commented 1 year ago

Hi all! While we wait until @AlecDusheck brings more good news.. I have found something that could help: image

I can use the same account as I have in the app. But I dont see any device (I had 2 AC). I think is not connected to the same servers just only the auth API, but if anyone found some more, please share. (Extra, has a websocket, spolier: could be related with the firebase commented below?)

Also I had tried debugging the app with no luch, BUT the app has a lot of logs that could be useful. The backend seemt to be a firebase. The Android App uses Flutter that difficults the decompiling.

This seems to be the firebase config and other useful things:

    <string name="google_api_key">AIzaSyB-vKLh0qzwv0ddJqCmjVfa3w4q86xUbXI</string>
    <string name="google_app_id">1:99698616259:android:47e9b2e03cc15db3abbf76</string>
    <string name="google_crash_reporting_api_key">AIzaSyB-vKLh0qzwv0ddJqCmjVfa3w4q86xUbXI</string>
    <string name="google_storage_bucket"></string>

    <string name="default_notification_channel_id">AIzaSyBV5TPO5WAtD4jxx03VXJ8IOvikYDtvatU</string>
    <string name="default_web_client_id"></string>

    <string name="clear_text_end_icon_content_description">Clear text</string>
    <string name="client_id_token_debug"></string>
    <string name="client_id_token_release"></string>

    <string name="server_client_id"></string>

    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_author">Zetetic, LLC</string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_authorWebsite"></string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_isOpenSource">true</string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_libraryDescription">Android SQLite API based on SQLCipher</string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_libraryName">SQLCipher for Android</string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_libraryVersion">${clientVersionNumber}</string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_libraryWebsite"></string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_licenseLink"></string>
    <string name="library_android_database_sqlcipher_repositoryLink"></string>

from the APK\resources\res\values\strings.xml

I would like to create a basic web app with this config, but seems a bit dificult (I dont have more time for today)

AlecDusheck commented 1 year ago


I unfortunately haven’t been able to poke too much more due to some recent life events, but I’ll be able to take a closer look later next month!

That web app is actually incredibly interesting, but you might be right about it not being connected to the same gateway. I’ll take a brief look when I’m back, but if it is, this would be an incredibly easy way to get access.

While the app uses Firebase, I’m not sure if it’s actually used for device control. Hisense has their own socket endpoints for receiving device action pushes, which don’t seem to use the Firebase functionality. I was making an assumption Firebase is used for notifications, possibly?


JuanmanDev commented 1 year ago


Firebase is used to have a realtime database that give you some ways to control:

This could explain why there is a permanent socket to received the notifications.

(this could be also done with a dual statu with desired temp + current state to ensure the AC receives the change, but is the same process)

I have create a repo for the progress if someone would like to check (the web try is there, but failing the login):

I see a library to connect ESP32 to Firebase, so eveything is possible....

I think about the about the open port 5030 on UDP and the 5020

This makes me thinks about this a ephimeral port, so this could change with the time, but this ports are usually TCP.

On the docs Firebase requires a TCP connections, but there is a library to use UDP for IoT devices with firebase.

About using the hisense socket endpoints... I thinks this is a proxy (that could hide a firebase key to access)

Disclamer: I'm not an expert about nothing I have write :D

vpaulos commented 1 year ago

So, how to connect this new g1 modules and connectlife app to home assistant?