deinstapel / eks-rolling-update

EKS Rolling Update is a utility for updating the launch configuration of worker nodes in an EKS cluster.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

Update dependency moto to v4 #21

Open Jasper-Ben opened 1 year ago

Jasper-Ben commented 1 year ago

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
moto (changelog) major ==1.3.13 -> ==4.1.14

Release Notes

getmoto/moto (moto) ### [`v4.1.14`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.14: *sha256:4cc82c0803c6b578d5c4146a8e38ff0387dec565483cfaa63eb238cb867e97e6* New Methods: * SageMaker: * create_model_package() * create_model_package_group() * describe_model_package() * list_model_packages() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation: describe_stack_instances() now returns the StackInstanceStatus-attribute * CloudFront: update_distribution() now supports the DefaultRootObject-parameter * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now support (simple) Expressions * CognitoIDP: initiate_auth() and admin_initiate_auth() now throw a NotAuthorizedError for disabled users * EC2 VPC's: Add CloudFront, Ground Station and Lattice prefix lists * IOT: search_index() now returns the connectivity-attribute * Organizations: Introduce more trusted service principals * RDS: create_db_cluster() now supports the VpcSecurityGroupIds-parameter * S3: Optional support for CRC32C checksums * SNS: publish_batch() now sends the required `MessageDeduplicationId` for FIFO queues * SQS: send_message_batch() now only throws a `BatchRequestTooLong` if the sum of all messages exceed the limit ### [`v4.1.13`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.13: *sha256:ec471bcfbf66def946466398f002e8edfbb667bde7b1d8033aedbdd4453fbb8e* General: * The ISO-regions introduced in 4.1.12 are now locked behind an environment variable: `MOTO_ENABLE_ISO_REGIONS` * General performance improvements in the URL matching logic - especially `mock_all` users should notice improvements New Methods: * APIGatewayV2: * create_stage() * delete_stage() * get_stage() * get_stages() * CloudFront: * create_origin_access_control() * delete_origin_access_control() * get_origin_access_control() * list_origin_access_controls() * update_origin_access_control() * Lambda: * list_aliases() * Logs: * delete_destination() * describe_destinations() * get_destination() * put_destination() * put_destination_policy() * Route53: * get_health_check_status() * SSM: * deregister_task_from_maintenance_window() * describe_maintenance_window_tasks() * register_task_with_maintenance_window() Miscellaneous: * Batch: create_compute_environment() now validates instanceRole and minvCpu * CloudFront: create_distribution() now correctly handles a single alias * CloudFront - CustomOrigins now have default timeouts if not supplied * DynamoDB: delete_item() now throws the correct error when the table is not found * EC2: describe_security_group_rules() now returns the GroupId * ECR: create_repository() now validates the repositoryName-parameter * Lambda: create_function() now returns the ImageConfigResponse and EphemeralStorage parameters * IOTData: publish() can now handle non-Unicode bytes * RDS: Automated snapshots now have the appropriate SnapshotType * Route53: create_hosted_zone() now returns the Location * Scheduler: get_schedule() now returns the CreationDate and LastModificationDate * SecretsManager: delete_secret() now throws an error when setting the Recovery to 0 days * StepFunctions: start_execution() now validates the name-length ### [`v4.1.12`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.12: *sha256:38e34a1ee4042fd52f15703c2e750780fe0fd809b2745fd263b2d1de33566590* General: * Support for ISO regions * The official Docker image now comes with curl pre-installed New Services: * AppConfig: * create_application() * create_configuration_profile() * create_hosted_configuration_version() * delete_application() * delete_configuration_profile() * delete_hosted_configuration_version() * get_application() * get_configuration_profile() * get_hosted_configuration_version() * list_configuration_profiles() * list_tags_for_resource() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() * update_application() * update_configuration_profile() New Methods: * IdentityStore: * create_user() * describe_user() * delete_user() * get_group_id() * delete_group() * create_group_membership() * get_group_memberships() * delete_group_membership() * SSM: * create_patch_baseline() * describe_patch_baselines() * delete_patch_baseline() * register_target_with_maintenance_window() * describe_maintenance_window_targets() * deregister_target_from_maintenance_window() Miscellaneous: * Moto Dashboard no longer fails to load after an S3 file is overwritten * CloudFormation: AWS:SSM::Parameter now exposes the PhysicalResourceId * CloudFront: create_invalidation() now behaves correctly when supplying a single Path * CloudWatch: get_metrics_data() now validates the provided start/end times * CodeBuild: create_project() now accepts all ServiceRole ARN's, not just ARN's that end in /service-role/ * Config: put_configuration_recorder() now supports resource type exclusions * DMS: describe_replication_tasks() now returns TableMappings and ReplicationTaskSettings in the correct format * DynamoDB now supports ProjectionExpressions on (nested) lists * EC2: New availability zones have been added for ap-south-1, sa-east-1, ca-central-1, us-west-2 * EC2: create_flow_logs() now allows different LogDestinations for a single ResourceId * EC2: replace_route() now returns the appropriate error when called with missing route * EC2: create_volume() now supports the Throughput-parameter * ECR: put_image() now correctly overwrites tags on images with multiple tags * IAM: add_role_to_instance_profile() now validates whether a role was already attached (only one is allowed) * Lambda: delete_layer_version() now also accepts function ARNs * MediaConnect: create_flow_payload() no longer requires the Entitlements-parameter * RDS: Further improve Global Cluster behaviour * S3: GET/PUT requests now return Access-Control headers, if a CORS configuration has been set * S3: put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration() now supports multiple Transitions * SESv2: create_contact_list() now correctly reads Topics with special characters * SESv2: send_email() now correctly reads raw emails ### [`v4.1.11`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.11: *sha256:0ac1ec726e428bd3134c10c32639d72f814bbe002b9d2010420850aab8bc2550* New Methods: * AppSync: * get_introspection_schema() * Comprehend: * detect_key_phrases() * detect_pii_entities() * detect_sentiment() Miscellaneous: * EC2: describe_key_pairs() now returns the CreateTime-attribute * EC2: describe_spot_fleet_requests() now returns the Tags-attribute * ECR: put_image(): now behaves correctly on duplicate images with duplicate tags * Organizations: create_policy() now supports the Tags-parameter * RDS: creation times of all objects are now in UTC * Redshift: creation times of all objects are now in UTC * S3: Bucket names are now global, meaning they have to be unique across accounts * S3: select_object_content() now supports None-values * S3: select_object_content() now supports nested FROM-clauses (from x.y as xy) * SecretsManager - update_secret() now supports the Description-parameter * SNS now returns the correct error message for non-existing topics * SNS: Topics are no longer accessible across regions (only across accounts) * SNS: delete_topic() is now idempotent and no longer throws an error for non-existent topics * SQS: Requests and responses in JSON-format are now supported * SSM: MaintenanceWindows now have tagging support ### [`v4.1.10`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.10: *sha256:095d1dfadc71b4c68f05240129a32acf6dd7ba722c78afd4f01d8c7c3af0ebb4* New Services: * Glue: * create_session() * delete_session() * get_session() * list_sessions() * stop_session() * Sagemaker: * create_transform_job() * describe_transform_job() * list_transform_jobs() Miscellaneous: * Core: The `date`-header is now returned for all operations (set to the current date) * AutoScaling: describe_policies() now returns the field `TargetTrackingConfiguration.CustomizedMetricSpecification.Metrics` * Cloudformation: delete_stack_instances() now behaves correctly when deleting multiple regions * EC2: create_route() now takes the `VpcEndpointId`-parameter into account * EC2: describe_instances() now throws an exception when both the InstanceIds and PaginationConfig parameters are supplied * IAM: get_group() now returns the fields `CreateDate` and `PasswordLastUsed` * RDS: start_export_task() now returns the field `SourceType` * S3: aligned checksum calculation with how AWS behaves * S3: now returns `Accept-Ranges`-headers, instead of `AcceptRanges`, in-line with AWS * S3: copy_object() now behaves correctly when copying objects in encrypted buckets * S3: put_object_legal_hold() now takes the VersionId-parameter into account * S3: put_object_retention() now takes the VersionId-parameter into account * SecretsManager: list_secrets now returns the fields `LastRotatedDate` and `NextRotationDate` * SNS: Topics can now be accessed across accounts * SNS: Fixed a bug so that topics without properties can now be deleted using CloudFormation ### [`v4.1.9`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.9: *sha256:121a51dcf0e42e53a601803bdeb25324d18b2d45f08a79923c65034f4f14448a* New Services: * Glue: * batch_get_triggers * create_trigger * delete_trigger * get_trigger * get_triggers * list_triggers * start_trigger * stop_trigger * Glue: * create_contact * create_contact_list * delete_contact * delete_contact_list * get_contact * get_contact_list * list_contact_lists * list_contacts * send_email Miscellaneous: * Kinesis: Improve calculations on stream limits * EC2: Improve logic behind describe_image_attribute() * S3: Various improvements to the logic behind copy_object() * Scheduler: update_schedule() now supports the GroupName-parameter * SNS: Improve and enhance validation of numeric parameters * SNS: MessageDeduplicationId is now forwarded to SQS queues (Fixes a bug in 4.1.7) ### [`v4.1.8`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.8: *sha256:e83d868df71b193d625d9fb031282f6632c6c80d0314cfca6780f9a3f37d1f61* New Methods: * DynamoDB: * batch_execute_statement() * execute_statement() * execute_transaction() * Glue: * batch_get_jobs() * delete_job() * KMS: * get_public_key() Miscellaneous: * Athena: Fixed a bug causing every call to `get_workgroup(WorkGroup="primary")` to fail * AWSLambda: Performance improvement: Docker images are no longer re-downloaded if they already exist * BatchSimple now uses the environment variable MOTO_SIMPLE_BATCH_FAIL_AFTER=0 to determine whether the job should fail, and after how many seconds * EC2: replace_route() now supports the NetworkInterfaceId-parameter * ECR: batch_get_image() now correctly returns images when requested using an older tag * ELBv2: describe_target_health() now returns the correct error message for unregistered targets * S3: copy_object() now adds a checksum to a copied object if requested * S3: get_object() no longer returns a VersionId for non-versioned buckets * SES: Templates now allow a single curly brace, and no longer assume it's part of a variable * SSM: describe_parameters() now allows filtering by existence of tag-name * StepFunctions: The SF_EXECUTION_HISTORY_TYPE=FAILURE environment variable can now be used to generate failure responses for all operations * STS: assume_role() now stores the AccessKey in the requesting account ### [`v4.1.7`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.7: *sha256:6b877d5efe86562d27f296638d6b163c7987913c203874578d00fa1f83eea000* New Services: * LakeFormation: * batch_grant_permissions() * batch_revoke_permissions() * create_lf_tag() * delete_lf_tag() * deregister_resource() * describe_resource() * get_data_lake_settings() * get_lf_tag() * grant_permissions() * list_data_cells_filter() * list_lf_tags() * list_permissions() * list_resources() * put_data_lake_settings() * register_resource() * revoke_permissions() * RDS Data: * execute_statement() * Scheduler: * create_schedule() * create_schedule_group() * delete_schedule() * delete_schedule_group() * get_schedule() * get_schedule_group() * list_schedule_groups() * list_schedules() * list_tags_for_resource() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() * update_schedule() New Methods: * Config: * delete_retention_configuration() * describe_retention_configurations() * put_retention_configuration() * EC2: * get_launch_template_data() * RDS: * create_db_cluster_parameter_group() * create_global_cluster() * delete_db_cluster_parameter_group() * delete_global_cluster() * describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups() * describe_db_cluster_parameters() * describe_db_subnet_groups() * describe_global_clusters() * promote_read_replica_db_cluster() * remove_from_global_cluster() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway now allows semicolons in paths * CloudFormation now supports Fn::ToJsonString * DynamoDB: update_item() now supports number-sets in the AttributeUpdates-parameter * DynamoDB: query() - The KeyConditionExpression now allows enclosing the sort key condition in brackets * EC2: assign_private_ip_addresses() now supports the PrivateIpAddresses-argument * ECR: put_image() now supports the imageManifestMediaType parameter * ECS: run_task() now validates the provided launch-type * Logs: put_subscription_filter() now supports KinesisStream destinations * RDS: describe_db_clusters() now supports filtering by db-cluster-id and engine * RDS: describe_db_clusters() now returns the parameters KmsKeyId, NetworkType, DBSubnetGroupName, ScalingConfiguration * S3: head_object() now returns the AcceptRanges header * SQS: Improvements in the deduplication-logic ### [`v4.1.6`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.6: *sha256:36122dca33cb8f70d84734d1a0a6a5931f7a533fab3c58edd7ca0b2ebe325797* New Services: * OpenSearch: * add_tags() * create_domain() * delete_domain() * describe_domain() * describe_domain_config() * get_compatible_versions() * list_tags() * remove_tags() * update_domain_config() Methods: * S3: select_object_content() Miscellaneous: * Batch: The AWS_BATCH_JOB_MAIN_NODE_PRIVATE_IPV4_ADDRESS-variable now plays nicely with custom Docker networks * CloudFormation now supports deletion of AWS::EC2::Subnet, AWS::EC2::VPC * CloudFormation now supports variable mapping inside "Fn::Sub" * CloudFormation: delete_stack() now adheres to "DeletionPolicy": "Retain" set for individual resources * Events: The EventBusName-parameter is now supported for these methods: delete_rule(), describe_rule(), disable_rule(), enable_rule(), list_rule_names_by_target(), list_rules(), list_targets_by_rule() * RDS: describe_db_clusters() now accepts an ARN as identifier * RDS: describe_db_snapshots() now returns the TagList-attribute * S3: get_object() now returns the AcceptRanges header * S3: head_bucket() now returns the region-header * SecretsManager now supports partial ARN's ### [`v4.1.5`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.5: *sha256:0e43c36e1b1390106ec43b2e383486c45fef27646838acaa8073cbd2b4a97a31* General: * Our Docker-images are now also hosted in GHCR: New Methods: * Athena: * create_prepared_statement() * get_prepared_statement() * list_named_queries() * S3: * get_object_attributes() * SecretsManager: * delete_resource_policy() * put_resource_policy() Miscellaneous: * Athena: Now automatically creates the default WorkGroup called `primary` * AWSLambda: the default data dir for Docker containers can now be customized using the environment variable MOTO_LAMBDA_DATA_DIR * CloudFormation now supports the resource AWS::CloudFormation::Stack * CognitoIDP: the ID-token now uses the key cognito:username, instead of username * EC2: describe_security_group_rules() now provides the correct value for the IsEgress-parameter * EC2: revoke_security_group_egress() no longer throws an error when the IPProtocol-argument is not provided * Glue: get_job() now supports the parameters CodeGenConfigurationNodes, ExecutionClass, SourceControlDetails * IOT: delete_certificate() now supports the forceDelete-parameter ### [`v4.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.4: *sha256:32ed22e2c69826a90482d0e473c460d60c3c7dc60819d95c0c165e0e978208db* General: Data is now deleted after the mock ends. If you use manual mocks, you can still choose the keep the data: mock = mock_sqs() mock.start() mock.stop(remove_data=False) New Services: * Neptune: * create_db_cluster() * create_global_cluster() * delete_db_cluster() * delete_global_cluster() * describe_db_clusters() * describe_global_clusters() * describe_orderable_db_instance_options() * modify_db_cluster() * start_db_cluster() New Methods: * Glue: * get_jobs() * get_table_version() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway: update_rest_api() now updates the policy-attribute * Athena now exposes an endpoint to store mock query results. See * CognitoIDP: The idToken now contains the cognito:groups attribute * DynamoDB: scan() now respects the Projection-attribute of a GSI/LSI * KMS: encrypt(), decrypt(), re_encrypt() now accept aliases as arguments * KMS: list_aliases() now supports the KeyId-parameter * Lambda: FIFO Queues are now supported event sources * RDS: create_option_group() now returns the OptionGroupArn-attribute * ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: get_resources() now supports RDS Clusters and ClusterSnapshots * SSM now includes the parameters at /aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami ### [`v4.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.3: *sha256:3139cdae44d5da35d92d9e385cb878581eef8df3514cbda5cbc3e103488095a7* New Services: * IdentityStore: * create_group() Miscellaneous: * DynamoDB: create_table() now deals correctly with non-key attributes supplied as part of the KeySchema * Glue: get_partitions() now supports nano-second precision when filtering timestamps * Glue: get_table_version() now returns the Table.VersionId and Table.UpdateTime-attributes * Transcribe: start_transcription_job() now supports the IdentifyMultipleLanguages-parameter ### [`v4.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.2: *sha256:742bd95faadb80133aa7082ca6f4d1d71af2f4802833e92348b082b11ec8d4ed* New Methods: * Batch: * create_scheduling_policy() * delete_scheduling_policy() * describe_scheduling_policies() * list_scheduling_policies() * update_scheduling_policy() * EC2: * allocate_hosts() * describe_hosts() * modify_hosts() * release_hosts() * ECS: * put_cluster_capacity_providers() * update_capacity_provider() * update_cluster() * Glue: * batch_get_crawlers() Miscellaneous: * AWSLambda: Base Images are now pulled from multiple repositories, increasing the number of supported language/versions out of the box * CognitoIDP: admin_update_user_attributes() now checks for duplicate emails * ECS: create_cluster() now supports the parameters configuration, capacityProviders, defaultCapacityProviderStrategy * ECS: delete_cluster() now marks the cluster as INACTIVE, rather than removing it outright, in-line with how AWS behaves * ECS: register_task_definition() now supports the parameters proxyConfiguration, inferenceAccelerators, runtimePlatform, ipcMode, pidMode, ephemeralStorage * ECS: run_task() no longer crashes when providing launchType=FARGATE * ECS now has improved tagging-support * EKS: create_nodegroup() now returns the correct launchTemplate-attributes * Kinesis now supports the streamARN-parameter for all arguments * S3: Improved bucket policy enforcement ### [`v4.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.14: *sha256:4cc82c0803c6b578d5c4146a8e38ff0387dec565483cfaa63eb238cb867e97e6* New Methods: * SageMaker: * create_model_package() * create_model_package_group() * describe_model_package() * list_model_packages() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation: describe_stack_instances() now returns the StackInstanceStatus-attribute * CloudFront: update_distribution() now supports the DefaultRootObject-parameter * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now support (simple) Expressions * CognitoIDP: initiate_auth() and admin_initiate_auth() now throw a NotAuthorizedError for disabled users * EC2 VPC's: Add CloudFront, Ground Station and Lattice prefix lists * IOT: search_index() now returns the connectivity-attribute * Organizations: Introduce more trusted service principals * RDS: create_db_cluster() now supports the VpcSecurityGroupIds-parameter * S3: Optional support for CRC32C checksums * SNS: publish_batch() now sends the required `MessageDeduplicationId` for FIFO queues * SQS: send_message_batch() now only throws a `BatchRequestTooLong` if the sum of all messages exceed the limit ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.1.0: *sha256:1c38613f7273054650d08f3cb3ce118753296d08ffbfee8c96400c89a529c9ca* General: * Dropped support for Py 3.6 * Moto now uses setup.cfg to hold our packaging configuration, instead of, making Moto compatible with more recent Pip-versions ### [`v4.0.13`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.13: *sha256:703a9d464c11e1f4cacff66acdc9b46f9fa8fb0b969ca9f1e79fa4eb41678565* New Methods: * EC2: * get_password_data() * Sagemaker: * update_pipeline() * SecretsManager: * cancel_rotate_secret() Miscellaneous: * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the StatisticValues-parameter * CognitoIDP: sign_out() now also invalidates the AccessToken * IAM: get_account_authorization_details() now returns the Tags-attribute * IOT: create_keys_and_certificate() now creates valid certificates, instead of random data ### [`v4.0.12`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.12: *sha256:06916d3f310c68fd445468f06d6d4ae6f855e7f2b80e007a90bd11eeb421b5ed* General: * Fixes our Kinesis-compatibility with botocore>=1.29.31 - earlier Moto-versions will connect to AWS when using this botocore-version New Methods: * Athena: * get_query_results() * list_query_executions() * RDS: * promote_read_replica() * Sagemaker: * create_pipeline() * delete_pipeline() * list_pipelines() Miscellaneous: * AWSLambda: publish_function() and update_function_code() now only increment the version if the source code has changed * CognitoIDP: Passwords are now validated using the PasswordPolicy (either supplied, or the default) * CloudFormation: create_stack() now propagates parameters StackPolicyBody and TimeoutInMinutes * CloudFormation: create_stack_instances() now returns the actual OperationId * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now validates the provided name * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now supports the DeploymentTargets-parameter * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now actually creates the provided resources * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now propagates parameters AdministrationRoleARN and ExecutionRoleName * CloudFormation: describe_stack_set() now returns the attributes Description, PermissionModel * CloudFormation: delete_stack_set() now validates that no instances are present before deleting the set * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now supports the Label-parameter * EC2: allocate_address() now has improved behaviour for the Domain-parameter * EC2: create_volume() now supports the Iops-parameter * ECR: Improved ImageManifest support * KMS: describe_key() now returns an AccessDeniedException if the supplied policy does not allow this action * Route53: change_resource_record_sets() has additional validations * Route53: create_hosted_zone() now also creates a SOA-record by default * S3: put_object() now returns the ChecksumAlgorithm-attribute if supplied * SSM: describe_parameters() now has improved support for filtering by tags ### [`v4.0.11`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.11: *sha256:ba07f61edd4f91b221ea20368586dce024e7da4d018e2741aceafa1f07f47ec5* New Services: * ACM-PCA: * create_certificate_authority() * delete_certificate_authority() * describe_certificate_authority() * get_certificate() * get_certificate_authority_certificate() * get_certificate_authority_csr() * import_certificate_authority_certificate() * issue_certificate() * list_tags() * revoke_certificate() * tag_certificate_authority() * update_certificate_authority() * untag_certificate_authority() New Methods: * create_api_mapping() * create_domain_name() * delete_api_mapping() * delete_domain_name() * get_api_mapping() * get_api_mappings() * get_domain_name() * get_domain_names() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway: create_rest_api() now supports the propagation of parameter disableExecuteApiEndpoint (not the actual behaviour) * APIGateway: put_integration() now supports the parameters contentHandling, credentials, tlsConfig * AWSLambda: create_function() is now able to validate the existence of the provided ImageURI. Set environment variable MOTO_LAMBDA_STUB_ECR=false to enable this. * Batch: submit_job() now adds validation for the jobName parameter * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now adds support for filtering by the unit-value * DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now supports up to 100 items instead of 25, in line with AWS * ELB: describe_instance_health() now validates the existence of the provided LoadBalancer * Polly: The list of available voices has been updated. * S3: put_object() now has improved support for filenames containing spaces * SQS: send_message() and send_message_batch() now adds validation for the DelaySeconds-parameter ### [`v4.0.10`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.10: *sha256:faf0e4b591c47c7775da4f827c2ec2e1ff48a32b31169236fa604ffb95dafb78* New Methods: * CloudFront: * get_distribution_config() * Organizations: * delete_organizational_unit() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway: put_integration_response() now supports the responseParameters-parameter * Cloudformation now supports the creation/update/deletion of AWS::SSM::Parameter * Cloudformation: create_stack() now returns the attribute EnableTerminationProtection * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the MetricData.Values parameter * DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now supports the ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure-parameter * RDS: describe_db_cluster now returns the EarliestRestorableTime-attribute * S3: get_object() and head_object() now correctly handle the IfModifiedSince-parameter ### [`v4.0.9`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.9: *sha256:0c7a87255814035794733764d497fcb659ae0d6c843fae41040bb1a29c0726ab* Miscellaneous: * CloudTrail: describe_trails() now returns the correct (MultiRegion) trails * CloudWatch:tag_resource() now allows tagting new Alarms that didn't have tags yet * EC2: create_instances() now supports the `IamInstanceProfile`-parameter * EC2: describe_route_tables() now supports the `route.vpc-peering-connection-id`-filter * EC2: modify_vpc_attribute() now supports the enableNetworkAddressUsageMetrics-attribute * S3: delete_objects() now works against the JS SDK v3.197.0 ### [`v4.0.8`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.8: *sha256:41883fb0f38572f3194dcbef6731eafdc6d8d7d4e319257d2ba2468c401c9881* General: * Unpins the werkzeug-dependency - Moto now works with werkzeug==2.2.2 * Fixes the Docker-build to run on M1 Macbooks. New Services: * ServiceQuotas: * get_service_quota() * list_aws_default_service_quotas() New Methods: * CloudFront: list_invalidations() * RDS: modify_db_cluster() Miscellaneous: * Lambda:delete_function() - fixed an issue where the wrong Function would be deleted when providing a qualifier * ECR:put_image() now removes any existing images that have the provided tag * IAM:detach_user/group/role_policy() now throws the correct error message when the policy is not attached in the first place * S3:list_object_versions(): Fix delimiter to take prefix into account * S3: Now closes file handles as early as possible when deleting files/multipart uploads * Sagamaker:describe_training_job() now throws the correct exception when trying to explain a non-existing job ### [`v4.0.7`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.7: *sha256:a8ecbdba177c91c557ff76814c1b9a4d6673dc8e1e4183b183e5cff4ce73c356* New Services: * Comprehend: * create_entity_recognizer() * delete_entity_recognizer() * describe_entity_recognizer() * list_entity_recognizers() * list_tags_for_resource() * stop_training_entity_recognizer() * MeteringMarketplace: * batch_meter_usage() New Methods: * EC2: * modify_vpc_endpoint() * MediaConnect: * grant_flow_entitlements() * revoke_flow_entitlement() * update_flow_entitlement() * update_flow_output() Miscellaneous: * DynamoDB:transact_write_items() - Now includes validation if multipel operations are provided in the same item * EC2:cancel_spot_fleet_request() - Fixed a bug where instances were always terminated * EC2:create_instances() - Now uses the private IP address as as provided in the NetworkInterface * EC2:describe_instance_types() - Now supports all filters * ECS:run_task() - Now creates/attaches an ENI if appropriate * S3: Fixed an issue where file handles were not closed on large uploads ### [`v4.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.6: *sha256:01582a705be7c50bc15993acc2271cd190db9c08c5fc09d85c59c8ddae6bb260* General: * Moto can now be seeded, which will make identifiers deterministic. See * The format for access-key and role ids has been changed, and is now generated using the same algorithm that AWS uses Miscellaneous: * AWSLambda:add_permission() now properly handles the PrincipalOrgID-param * DynamoDB:update_item() now validates duplicate UpdateExpressions * EC2 now exposes instance types in the correct availability zones for us-west-1 (us-west-1a and us-west-1b) * EC2 has various improvements around the handling of RouteTableAssociations * Glue:get_tables() now supports the Expression-parameter * Organizations:create_organization() now uses a default value for FeatureSet=ALL * RDS:describe_db_subnet_groups() now returns the DBSubnetGroupArn-attribute * S3:upload_file() now supports the ExtraArgs: ChecksumAlgorithm-parameter * SSM:list_commands() now returns the DeliveryTimedOutCount-attribute ### [`v4.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.5: *sha256:d18f760f3498b212b0c8c205c9c28c2b41e8c7a108f44e1bd1d7ee86dfc37c03* General: * Moto now has a Recorder, to easily record and replay a given set of requests. See Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation now supports the creation/update/deletion of AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate * Glue:start_job_run() now respects the MaxConcurrentRuns-parameter * S3:get_object() now performs rudimentary BucketPolicy validation * StateManager now supports `glue::job_run`, managing how long it takes to for a Glue job to become 'SUCCEEDED' ### [`v4.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.3: General: * Compatible with openapi-spec-validator 0.5.x New Methods: * Kinesis: * update_stream_mode() * WAFv2: * associate_web_acl() * delete_web_acl() * disassociate_web_acl() * get_web_acl() * get_web_acl_for_resource() * list_rule_groups() * list_tags_for_resource() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() * update_web_acl() Miscellaneous: * DynamoDB:query() now has improved support for KeyConditionExpression * Kinesis:put_records() now validates the size/number of records, following AWS' behaviour ### [`v4.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.2: *sha256:32b30fef5d54d30eb7beca263dcb0ba08bd3718adb8b5d95f9f4b6e9cfc854f1* New Services: * Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP) * create_rule_groups_namespace() * create_workspace() * delete_rule_groups_namespace() * delete_workspace() * describe_rule_groups_namespace() * describe_workspace() * list_rule_groups_namespaces() * list_tags_for_resource() * list_workspaces() * put_rule_groups_namespace() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() * update_workspace_alias() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway:put_method() now supports the requestParameters-parameter * AutoScaling:create_auto_scaling_group() now supports the MixedInstancesPolicy-parameter * CloudWatchLogs:filter_log_events() now supports the filterPattern-parameter * DynamoDB:batch_put_item() now has validatior for empty keys * Kinesis:create_stream() now supports stream-mode=OnDemand * S3:head_object() now returns the PartsCount-header * SNS:subscribe() now has increased support for the FilterPolicy-argument * SSM now returns the /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest-parameters as provided by AWS ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.13: *sha256:703a9d464c11e1f4cacff66acdc9b46f9fa8fb0b969ca9f1e79fa4eb41678565* New Methods: * EC2: * get_password_data() * Sagemaker: * update_pipeline() * SecretsManager: * cancel_rotate_secret() Miscellaneous: * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the StatisticValues-parameter * CognitoIDP: sign_out() now also invalidates the AccessToken * IAM: get_account_authorization_details() now returns the Tags-attribute * IOT: create_keys_and_certificate() now creates valid certificates, instead of random data ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 4.0.0: *sha256:348b516e706e19544dec3643d25304e24b75e48c92b1a6d347e5cd8c349cd8cd* General: * Introduces MultiAccount support (see * Removes deprecated decorators mock_dynamodb2 and mock_rds2 * The API for the TreadedMotoServer is now considered stable Dependencies: * The responses-module now has a minimum version of 0.13.0 ### [`v3.1.18`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.18: *sha256:52fa7fdf8deee66d47fa760fafce1231ec9007d7bfc9c7a3080a8badd372b300* General: * Flask has now also been pinned to 2.1.x, as that is the latest release that works with werkzeug 2.1.x New Methods: * EC2: * create_fleet() * describe_fleets() * describe_fleet_instances() * delete_fleets() * SES: * describe_configuration_set() * send_bulk_templated_email() Miscellaneous: * EC2: describe_key_pairs() now returns the KeyPairId-attribute * EC2: import_key_pair() now returns the KeyPairId-attribute * EC2: describe_launch_templates() now behaves correctly when called with an unknown template name * RDS: create_db_instance() now returns the AvailabilityZone-attribute * RDS: describe_db_instances() now returns the AvailabilityZone-attribute ### [`v3.1.17`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.17: *sha256:8a7e397a8856a5e63ad50689cdc3638831112768b193ea0fc308ac7dfdac57f0* General: * Werkzeug has been pinned to 2.1.x, as the latest 2.2.x releases cause some issues New Services: * CodeBuild: * batch_get_builds() * delete_project() * list_builds() * list_builds_for_project() * start_build() * stop_build() * Cost Explorer: * create_cost_category_definition() * delete_cost_category_definition() * describe_cost_category_definition() * update_cost_category_definition() * EMR Serverless: * create_application() * delete_application() * get_application() * list_applications() * start_application() * start_job_run() * stop_application() * update_application() New Methods: * Autoscaling: * delete_scheduled_action() * describe_scheduled_actions() * put_scheduled_update_group_action() * CloudFront: * create_distribution_with_tags() * create_invalidation() * list_tags_for_resource() * Glue: * create_schema() * delete_schema() * get_schema_by_definition() * get_schema_version() * put_schema_version_metadata() * register_schema_version() * Greengrass: * associate_role_to_group() * create_deployment() * disassociate_role_from_group() * get_associated_role() * get_deployment_status() * list_deployments() * reset_deployments() * IAM: * update_assume_role_policy() * IOT: * list_targets_for_policy() * KMS: * replicate_key() * MediaConnect: * add_flow_sources() * update_flow_source() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation now supports the creation of AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction * CognitoIDP now supports pagination for list_groups() and list_users_in_group() * EC2:describe_instances() now supports the filter 'key-name' * IAM:create_access_key() now limits the number of keys per user to 2 ### [`v3.1.16`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.16: *sha256:e7d79262fac1553966fb8c894dc81a750c4a18745977da6a15dffc35c596f8c4* New Methods: * Autoscaling: * enable_metrics_collection() Miscellaneous: * Fixes a dependency-error that popped up in 3.1.15. ### [`v3.1.15`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.15: *sha256:fad9fc39322cbabf4440ac5f6a3a158ee759dcd963995fea9672136c50bd2fc3* Known bugs: * Some services will throw an error: Missing module 'openapi_spec_validator'. This is fixed in 3.1.16. New Methods: * Databrew: * create_profile_job() * create_recipe_job() * delete_job() * describe_job() * list_jobs() * update_profile_job() * update_recipe_job() * Glue: * create_registry() * Greengrass: * create_group() * create_group_version() * delete_group() * get_group() * get_group_version() * list_groups() * list_group_versions() * update_group() * KMS: * sign() * verify() * Route53Resolver: * associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address() * disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address() ### [`v3.1.14`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.14: *sha256:a8ad7f54d7c469e34454f6774f743251c02093c6b2d7e9d7961a5de366783e11* New Methods: * Greengrass: * create_function_definition() * create_resource_definition() * create_function_definition_version() * create_resource_definition_version() * create_subscription_definition() * create_subscription_definition_version() * delete_function_definition() * delete_resource_definition() * delete_subscription_definition() * get_function_definition() * get_function_definition_version() * get_resource_definition() * get_resource_definition_version() * get_subscription_definition() * get_subscription_definition_version() * list_function_definitions() * list_function_definition_versions() * list_resource_definitions() * list_resource_definition_versions() * list_subscription_definitions() * list_subscription_definition_versions() * update_function_definition() * update_resource_definition() * update_subscription_definition() * EKS: * list_tags_for_resources() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() * Route53: * associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone() * disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone() * update_health_check() * update_hosted_zone_comment() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway:put_integration() now supports the requestParameters-parameter * EC2:create_route() now validates whether a route already exists ### [`v3.1.13`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.13: *sha256:d7f6c779c79f03b686747ae26b52bdca26fd81a50c6a41a8a6cba50c96982abf* New Methods: * EC2: * create_default_vpc() * Greengrass: * create_device_definition() * create_device_definition_version() * delete_core_definition() * delete_device_definition() * get_core_definition() * get_core_definition_version() * get_device_definition() * get_device_definition_version() * list_core_definitions() * list_core_definition_versions() * list_device_definitions() * list_device_definition_versions() * update_core_definition() * update_device_definition() * SSO Admin: * create_permission_set() * delete_permission_set() * describe_permission_set() * list_permission_sets() * update_permission_set() * Route53: * get_dnssec() * get_health_check() * Miscellaneous: * StateManager now supports `s3::keyrestore`, managing how long it takes to restore S3 objects from Glacier. ### [`v3.1.12`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.12: *sha256:64dcfb63b252b3413481683b90f105d01644b6bec150b60e6f612a2569ee630c* New Services: * Greengrass: * create_core_definition() * create_core_definition_version() Internal Changes: * The data structure containing all of Moto's state has been updated to support multiple accounts ### [`v3.1.11`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.11: *sha256:bb359c5e57e38534eb8e934757354277fff30598ca305d0f18f68ddfe4ce6359* New Methods: * GuardDuty: * create_filter() * delete_detector() * delete_filter() * enable_organization_admin_account() * get_detector() * get_filter() * list_organization_admin_accounts() * update_detector() * update_filter() * KMS: * create_grant() * list_grants() * list_retirable_grants() * retire_grant() * revoke_grant() Miscellaneous: * EC2:describe_network_acls() now supports the `entry.egress`-filter * EC2:run_instances() now supports validation for the KeyPair-parameter. This is disabled by default - set MOTO_ENABLE_KEYPAIR_VALIDATION to true to enable this. * EC2:run_instances() now supports validation for the ImageId-parameter. This is disabled by default - set MOTO_ENABLE_AMI_VALIDATION to true to enable this. ### [`v3.1.10`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.10: *sha256:18c6367dbb843850a5b52bc2b74cde9fd2a03719da667aa01b7c80de26849fb6* New Methods: * APIGateway: * import_rest_api() * put_rest_api() * Glue: * get_tags() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway:put_integration() now supports the passthroughBehavior-parameter * APIGatewayV2:create_authorizer() now supports the AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion-parameter * AWSLamba:publish_layer_version() now supports the CompatibleArchitectures-parameter * DAX:create_cluster() now supports the ClusterEndpointEncryptionType-parameter * EC2:describe_route_tables() now supports the filter `route.gateway-id` * EC2:run_instances() now validates whether the Placement-parameter has a valid availabilty zone * ECS:list_services() now supports the launchType-parameter * ELB:describe_instance_health() now returns the OutOfService-status when appropriate * Organizations:list_accounts_for_parent() now supports pagination * Organizations:list_organizational_units_for_parent() now supports pagination ### [`v3.1.9`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.9: *sha256:eea31d2f99b2fef16cffb3ea86d21dd911647835a3182bedd8918074292ce552* New Services: * EBS: * complete_snapshot() * get_snapshot_block() * list_changed_blocks() * list_snapshot_blocks() * put_snapshot_block() * start_snapshot() New Methods: * CloudFront: * update_distribution() * Datasets: * create_dataset() * delete_dataset() * describe_dataset() * list_datasets() * update_dataset() * Glue: * list_crawlers() * Rekognition: * get_face_search() * start_face_seach() Miscellaneous: * EC2:describe_vpc_endpoints() now supports the `vpc-endpoint-type`-filter * RDS:create_db_cluster() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter * RDS:create_db_instance() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter * SSM now integrates with SecretsManager ### [`v3.1.8`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.8: *sha256:a7d8c55eec8d75d75dd2532a6a0a9647935238236a54e4de7bb3f72bc28b7bf8* General: * Moto now supports a way to delay state transitions. See * Moto now supports `@mock_batch_simple`, a way to mock the Batch-service without invoking Docker. New Methods: * CognitoIDP: * global_sign_out() * update_group() * update_user_attributes() * DataBrew: * delete_recipe_version() * list_recipe_versions() * publish_recipe() * IAM: * create_service_linked_role() * delete_service_linked_role() * get_service_linked_role_deletion_status() * Sagemaker: * update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities() Miscellaneous: * EC2: request_spot_fleet() now supports the parameters LaunchTemplateConfigs, InstanceInterruptionBehavior * EC2: request_spot_instances() now supports the InstanceInterruptionBehavior-parameter * EC2: The status of a SpotInstances request now automatically transitions to 'Active/Fulfilled' * EC2: Tags specified into create_launch_template() are now passed through when calling `run_instances()` with this template * RDS: describe_db_instances() now supports the filter `db-cluster-id` * TimestreamWrite: create_table() now supports the MagneticStoreWriteProps-parameter * TimestreamWrite: update_table() now supports the MagneticStoreWriteProps-parameter ### [`v3.1.7`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.7: *sha256:d9661c13c2f790cbe9ed6531cefec132494fc0e8c37fcceca1f709292ef0880f* New Methods: * SES: * get_identity_verification_attributes() Miscellaneous: * CognitoIDP: UserPools now come with default values for the following attributes: Policies, AdminCreateUserConfig, EmailConfiguration, VerificationMessageTemplate * ELBv2: Improved the response-format of the `create_rule()` and `set_rule_priorities()`-methods * MediaConnect: Now has the correct format for flow/source ARN's * Organizations: Fixes the behaviour for close_account() * Sagemaker: Now supports tagging of Models, EndpointConfigs, ProcessingJobs ### [`v3.1.6`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.6: *sha256:722b9c05ad3454047688db4ba95991f6af4166c63d871149b1b1eef9d70be70f* New Methods: * Organizations: * close_account() Miscellaneous: * Autoscaling: the BlockDeviceMappings in LaunchConfigurations and LaunchTemplates are now respected when launching EC2 instances * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now supports the Dimensions-parameter * ELB: set_rule_priorities() now correctly returns the Rules-attribute * ELBv2: create_target_group() now supports the Tags-parameter * Events: delete_rule() now verifies whether any targets are still attached before deletion ### [`v3.1.5`]( [Compare Source]( Docker Digest for 3.1.5: *sha256:79050ce5b729f6eff3282a79dace9cb7e5983588250452f8821aeffa87eca334* New Methods: * ApplicationAutoscaling: * delete_scheduled_action() * describe_scheduled_actions() * put_scheduled_action() * Databrew: * create_ruleset() * delete_ruleset() * list_rulesets() * update


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