deis / controller

Deis Workflow Controller (API)
MIT License
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Private registry spike #639

Closed krancour closed 8 years ago

krancour commented 8 years ago

This issue is a place for us to hammer out our approach to resolving

cc @helgi @kmala

Discussed offline earlier today:

Will prove the concept first:

With the concept proven:

@helgi correct me, please, if any of this seems to differ from what we discussed.

helgi commented 8 years ago

The way I like to think about this is 3 phases:

  1. Use config:set per app to set a Registry authentication to prove that Controller can pull from External Registry (GCR / ECR / etc) and shovel into the Deis Internal Registry, requireing no change to Kubernetes as Deis Internal Registry has no auth
  2. Better UX (as discussed above) and pull from External Registry directly via k8s imagePullSecret, bypassing Deis Internal Registry
  3. Make Deis Internal Registry smarter around auth (but this will come later)
krancour commented 8 years ago

Ok. On point 1, we differ. I was thinking we skip the "shoveling" into the internal registry, but you're thinking we keep that and the thing we skip is any imagePullSecret at all on the app pod(s). So just the controller would use the provided auth details to pull from the external private registry...

I'm fine with that. That seems pretty reasonable.

krancour commented 8 years ago

Actually... I am confused now about where we're hoping to land eventually.

No. 1 has us skipping the imagePullSecrets, but still caching images in the internal registry. As I indicated, I'd be fine with that.

No. 2 has us using imagePullSecrets and skipping the internal registry.

These two are opposites of one another. So what do we achieve then? Is the idea that you want to be able to support both?

helgi commented 8 years ago

We wouldn't support both until we hit point 3 but that gets into more configuration nightmare.

It's mostly about time and momentum really :) If we get controller talking to external registry very fast and on all levels (the original meta ticket) without issues then we can move to the imagePullSecret.

We need to figure out how the workflows will look, if we are doing pull / tag / push at all times or if we are starting to just reference the end users image in their External Registry, etc

We can't spend beta3 and beta4 on this so we are trying to time box things. crawl, walk, run :)

helgi commented 8 years ago

Going to close this now that #718 has been merged