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Deis on top of Mesosphere's DCOS #4178

Closed JeanMertz closed 9 years ago

JeanMertz commented 9 years ago

I noticed that Deis supports Mesos/Marathon as a scheduling component.

What about having a DCOS package to install Deis using dcos package install deis, and running Deis on top of DCOS (inside Marathon)?

I realize that there's probably the dependency that DCOS is running on top of CoreOS, but would this be a possiblity?

krancour commented 9 years ago

Currently this would not be possible. Deis currently supports Mesos/Marathon as an application scheduler (i.e. apps deployed via the platform). The components of the Deis platform itself, however, are still dependent on Fleet for scheduling.

bacongobbler commented 9 years ago

The components of the Deis platform itself, however, are still dependent on Fleet for scheduling.

To elaborate further, deisctl communicates with fleet to provision the control plane. We would need to add a new backend for mesos, and I'm not sure if we'd be able to do a clean integration given how much of deisctl's feature set is reliant on specific fleet features such as ssh, journal and refresh-units.

JeanMertz commented 9 years ago

I understand the complications.

It's a shame though, having our entire infrastructure run on DCOS, this would mean having separate machines that need to be managed to be able to run Deis, even though the tasks/apps that Deis schedules run on our DCOS-managed infrastructure.

The same goes for Kubernetes, it would be awesome if Deis itself could run on top of Kubernetes (which - in fact - we have running on top of the DCOS platform).

Again, I understand the complications this brings, but from a user-perspective, I think Deis can target a much bigger market if it is able to run on top of application management tools like DCOS and Kubernetes, which people will (I suspect) be using more and more to host their infrastructure.

Having said that, we are very much interested in running Deis, so we probably will setup a separate cluster to host Deis itself, but I suspect we'll treat it more like a "playground" area for developers, instead of having it manage our production infrastructure running on DCOS.

carmstrong commented 9 years ago

@JeanMertz Thanks for the great feedback! I'd encourage you to join us on Thursday's open roadmap planning meeting if you're able:!topic/deis-users/HOUA7oaPGQY

We'll be sure to discuss this!

JeanMertz commented 9 years ago

@carmstrong awesome! I'll see if I can make it :+1:

krancour commented 9 years ago

@JeanMertz I agree with everything you said and I've offered the same perspective on it myself. As the situation currently stands, the Deis control plane cannot be decoupled from Fleet-- at least, probably, not without incurring breaking changes. I think the "technology previews" we're shipping with Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, and Kubernetes available as application schedulers has been a democratic approach to evaluating each of those for, possibly, a larger role (i.e. scheduling the control plane) in some future release.

krancour commented 9 years ago

@JeanMertz hopefully you can join us for our open roadmap session. In the meantime, I'm going to consider this answered.

intellix commented 8 years ago

I suppose things have changed now with Deis Workflow and this might be possible?

bacongobbler commented 8 years ago

Deis Workflow (v2) or Deis v1.13 does not support mesos. It was just a tech preview proof-of-concept for v2. Kubernetes won so this won't be a possibility. :)

jgmize commented 8 years ago

Theoretically you could run workflow on top of kubernetes on top of mesos, but as of this writing workflow requires kubernetes 1.2 and DCOS shipped a significantly older version of kubernetes in "alpha" and I haven't seen any activity in the kubernetes-mesos repo in months, so I wouldn't expect it to actually be feasible any time soon.