deis / postgres

A PostgreSQL database used by Deis Workflow.
MIT License
36 stars 22 forks source link

refactor to be deployed as an app on workflow #135

Open bacongobbler opened 7 years ago

bacongobbler commented 7 years ago

Right now if you attempt to add the following envvars and disable routing, the application won't deploy because it relies on the hard-coded secret paths:

><> deis create postgres
Creating Application... done, created postgres
Git remote deis successfully created for app postgres.
><> deis routing
Routing is disabled.
><> deis config:push
Creating config... done

=== postgres Config
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID          ****************
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION         us-west-1
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY      *************
BUCKET_NAME                test-bucket
PORT                       5432
><> deis pull
Creating build... ...^C

I'd expect that with the above environment variables, deis/postgres should be deployable on Workflow as a standalone app.

krancour commented 7 years ago

Just want some clarification on the intentions behind this... we don't want to deploy / run Workflow's own Postgres this way, right? This is purely so that others can easily deploy Postgres as a Workflow app, yes?

bacongobbler commented 7 years ago
