dekrypted / discord-image-logger

IP Logger that uses discord's "Open Original" feature to steal IP's.
The Unlicense
2.15k stars 603 forks source link

still aint trusting that shady ass b85 code #27

Closed XSSBacon closed 1 year ago

XSSBacon commented 1 year ago

i dont give a fucking damn about the people who say "read the code bro " 🤓🤓 "uhm actually its an FAlse positive" this doesn't work, u prob got dualhooked, dont trust sus code and stop trying to skid repos just to beam people on discord

unusually-calm commented 1 year ago

bro just do print('whatever the code is')

dekrypted commented 1 year ago

i dont give a fucking damn about the people who say "read the code bro " 🤓🤓 "uhm actually its an FAlse positive" this doesn't work, u prob got dualhooked, dont trust sus code and stop trying to skid repos just to beam people on discord

literally read the code 💀💀💀💀

GeorgeRNG commented 1 year ago

i dont give a fucking damn about the people who say "read the code bro " 🤓🤓 "uhm actually its an FAlse positive" this doesn't work, u prob got dualhooked, dont trust sus code and stop trying to skid repos just to beam people on discord

How about we decode it image The data at the start tells us what the code does: \xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00, thats hex, I'll make it more readable FF D8 FF E0 \J \F \I \F 00. I've replaced ASCII with the character and a backslash.
It says JFIF, let's google it: JPEG File Interchange Format, an image, no? You can compare the rest of the info with jpeg headers: starts the same image

dekrypted commented 1 year ago

i dont give a fucking damn about the people who say "read the code bro " 🤓🤓 "uhm actually its an FAlse positive" this doesn't work, u prob got dualhooked, dont trust sus code and stop trying to skid repos just to beam people on discord

How about we decode it image The data at the start tells us what the code does: \xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00, thats hex, I'll make it more readable FF D8 FF E0 \J \F \I \F 00. I've replaced ASCII with the character and a backslash. It says JFIF, let's google it: JPEG File Interchange Format, an image, no? You can compare the rest of the info with jpeg headers: starts the same image

Tysm, couldn't have said it better myself :D