dekuNukem / USB4VC

USB Keyboard/Mouse/Gamepads on Retro Computers!
MIT License
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Instability from system restart #13

Open megatog615 opened 8 months ago

megatog615 commented 8 months ago

Sometimes when I reboot the machine(a socket 7 system), the USB4VC becomes either entirely unresponsive(no LED lighting from input) or seemingly responsive but the computer doesn't see any input.

I see there is a technical bulletin that is supposed to "improve stability" but, I don't want to go through with this modification without knowing what problem it specifically tackles(I'm not sure if it is relevant to this specific issue) and how it works.

jamescadd commented 7 months ago

Any update @dekuNukem ? Would be nice to have an updated release with the last few commits to make sure it's not something that's already fixed.

dekuNukem commented 7 months ago

Hi there! can you let me know the model of the motherboard you're using? I personally haven't encountered an issue like this myself, would like to test it out.

megatog615 commented 7 months ago