[x] feature#edit: contains all of the fields that the feature#new screen does, as well
as the instructions on the feature#new screen
[x] feature#edit: contains a "save" and a "cancel" button. When the user clicks the "save" button, the feature is updated and she is returned to the feature index. A flash message appears confirming that the feature updates have been saved. When the user clicks the "cancel" button, the feature is not update and she is returned to the feature index. A flash message appears confirming that the changes were not saved.
: contains all of the fields that thefeature#new
screen does, as well as the instructions on thefeature#new
: contains a "save" and a "cancel" button. When the user clicks the "save" button, the feature is updated and she is returned to the feature index. A flash message appears confirming that the feature updates have been saved. When the user clicks the "cancel" button, the feature is not update and she is returned to the feature index. A flash message appears confirming that the changes were not saved.