delahaye / dlh_googlemaps

Google Maps Extension für Contao
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Styling the Maps #6

Closed rburch closed 10 years ago

rburch commented 11 years ago

This is a great plugin. Is there a way to change the map colors? I tried adding the api scripts to the additional parameters field but that didn't work. It would be a great feature to add.

delahaye commented 11 years ago

If the parameters don't work, you can try to modify the javascript via the function that is called by generation of the map. The same you can use for dynamic markers.

See This is German only, but maybe you can get it from the code. Such code you can just place via an html-element or in the template.

delahaye commented 10 years ago

In 2.0. there is an additional parameter field to add declarations outside the optionsblock. Mabe the styling is an idea for a separate extension.

bytehead commented 10 years ago

I answered a how to on a post in the forum (german, sorry):