delapuente / aframe-sharedspace-component

A-Frame VR component to create multi-user experiences with WebRTC
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Master & slave #2

Open aliy321 opened 6 years ago

aliy321 commented 6 years ago

it is possible to have 1 master and multiple slave inside the same "room"?

delapuente commented 6 years ago

Can you elaborate on the definitions of master and slave in this context, please?

jaknap commented 6 years ago

I had a similar query. Is it possible to have a single local participant, and multiple peers in the same room? It is working fine with a single local and peer, but more than one peers, or participants are not connecting to a room.

iburguera commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to create a chat room for 5 o less people? Two participant is great but with 3 to 5 more fun. Any idea how to create or modify to implement this feature?