delapuente / aframe-sharedspace-component

A-Frame VR component to create multi-user experiences with WebRTC
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Avatar stops #4

Open dirkk0 opened 6 years ago

dirkk0 commented 6 years ago


you describe in your medium article that the avatars stops on purpose, once another participant enters the room. I thought this was a bug at first, and I still think it is, because that's not what the user would expect.

Why is that and how would I change that?

Thanks, Dirk

delapuente commented 6 years ago

Hi @dirkk0

I don't know what medium article you refer to. What do you mean by "stops on purpose"?

dirkk0 commented 6 years ago

I just realized that it's not you who wrote the article: yet the author claims it's his library.

Regarding the stopping: once the connection is made, the user isn't able to move the Avatar any more.

drsounds commented 4 years ago

@dirkk0 Is there a workaround to make it possible for avatars to move around in real time after connection is made?

dirkk0 commented 4 years ago

No, sorry. I switched to