delashum / obsidian-checklist-plugin

MIT License
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Mixed case tags not added to checklist in v2.0.2 #115

Closed CAI-Alice closed 2 years ago

CAI-Alice commented 2 years ago

I recently updated to v2.0.2 and checklist stopped working for me - it would sit with the spinning/waiting symbol forever, and not add any of my items to the list. My tag that I used successfully with the previous version was #ToDo. I did some experiments and found v2.0.2 is able to list checklist items with a lowercase (#todo) tag. Not sure if this is related to a breaking change regarding custom styles mentioned for one of the previous releases - I'm using the 'Minimal' theme, but have made no other style changes.

Love that you're able to use multiple tag names in v2.0.2 so I'm looking forward to being able to update!

The plugin is awesome and a massive part of my daily workflow - thank you for all the hard work!

rolfaalders commented 2 years ago

Indeed. Had the same issue( ToDo instead of todo), but did an bulk update of the tags to lower case and plugin started working again.

drxmknight commented 2 years ago

Please add Case sensitive option. Thanks!