delashum / obsidian-checklist-plugin

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Strange behaviour with tags #146

Open Dexmach5723 opened 1 year ago

Dexmach5723 commented 1 year ago

After the Obsidian update, there are particular tags that will not click in the settings pull down. You can add them to the tag list in the options page, but the ability to select them in the pane does not work and does not allow you to choose other tabs.

I have done a reaplce of the tags using tag wrangler, and the behaviour follows the new tag name.

If I ADD a new tag to the pages that have the old tag, you can use that new tag and select it.

The issue seems to be related to the old tag and remember the issue when the old tag is changed, it is only by adding a new tag can you use the checklist. This is NOT true for ALL tags; I cannot determine the coralation.

A few thingsthat may help...I all the tasks on a page with the tag appear, I only have about two months of notes, I only have about 5 tags that I am using with the checklist pluggin. The text i put in the tag field in options is "abllc", but the drop down only says "abll" whne it is on the bottom of the list. when I move "abllc" to the top of the list, it combines it with the next item on the list (no space) and still has the strange click behaviour.

Very strange issue

Dexmach5723 commented 1 year ago

I am on version 2.2.6 of checklist and 0.15.9 of obsidian and installer

flankstaek commented 1 year ago

I'm having trouble replicating the issue. Could you screenshot the tag names in the settings page and the dropdown behavior you're seeing?

erikguntvedt commented 1 year ago

I also see the issue. I'm using version 2.2.8 of the plug in.



I do have files/pages with the #todo tag and they also have tasks within them, so I'd expect some to show up in the right-hand side list, but none appear.

erikguntvedt commented 1 year ago

... and I also observe the symptom in which if you click the tag checkbox under "Show Tags?" either you can't check/uncheck it, that is toggle its state, or you can uncheck it but then you can't check it again. Very strange.

Another data point: this did work as expected yesterday on a linux machine when I installed it, but stopped working today when I installed the plugin on a different computer (windows). Both computers/installations are experiencing the buggy behavior now, not just the windows one.