delba / Permission

A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS
MIT License
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Fails to build when using Swift 4 #116

Closed CraigSiemens closed 4 years ago

CraigSiemens commented 6 years ago

The specific error I'm getting is:

Permission/Source/PermissionTypes/Camera.swift:30:57: Incorrect argument label in call (have 'forMediaType:', expected 'for:')

Looks like a method signature changed when using Swift 4. I'm only using Camera and Location so there may be other places that need to be updated.

cjmconie commented 6 years ago

Yes, Swift 4 does not compile (API signature changes) However, if the Swift language versions is set as Swift 3.2 the module compiles without error.

Is there a planned Swift 4 migration?

rsaarloos commented 6 years ago


delba commented 4 years ago

Hi @CraigSiemens, the project has been updated to the latest Swift version