deleteman / lfpr

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Repositories Under Orgs #39

Open jfugett opened 10 years ago

jfugett commented 10 years ago

Support the addition of repositories listed under organizations. This would prevent users from having to fork repos just to add them to the site.

Not the most troublesome thing in the world but it's an extra step that can be removed for a subset of users.

deleteman commented 10 years ago

Hey @jfugett , thanks for the suggestion, this issue has been in the back of my mind for a while now. I agree with you, we should be able to allow users to publish repos under their organizations. You are welcomed to send a pull request, otherwise, I'll try to pick this up as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks again!

SecUpwN commented 8 years ago

Thanks for opening this Issue, @jfugett. I just wanted to file it since it describes the exact case happening to our project. @deleteman, our project, the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector was previously created under my username and recently moved into the new organization CellularPrivacy.

It appears that after the transfer our project simply vanished from your site. I am still admin of said project, please make sure to fix this Issue as soon as possible in order to make devs aware of our app. Thanks!